Significance and usage of wood biomass as a renewable energy resource nowadaysattracts the attention of more and more people. Consequently, the problem of making wood chips was enlightened by focusing on the comparison of two wood chippers: Holzmatic BHM 1000 chipper mounted on a truck and EschlböckBiber 70 tractor powered chipper. The basis for comparison was the utilization of working hours and their structure, the efficiency of chippers, fuel consumption and the economy of producing wood chips from pine tree logs and slabs. Moisture and weight of wood chips was measured as well. The snap - beck chronometric method was used to establish the structure of working hours,whereas the efficiency of chippers was determined by the method of measuring effects. Fuel consumption and costs calculation was determined by the fuel consumption measuring method and the standard method of determining costs. Further, the moisture and weight of wood chips was established by the method of measuring moisture and weight respectively. To conclude, the chippermounted on a truck is more effective and economical while producing onecubic meter of wood chips. Still, the structure of working hours of the wood chipper is less satisfactory and its utilisation per year is therefore lower. Finally, in order to fulfil the European energy goals, the use of renewable energy resources, including wood biomass, will have to be better promoted. However, not at the expenses of the quality of Slovene forests.