
Stanje in razvoj prebiralnega gozda Volčji štant v GGE Ravne : diplomsko delo (visokošolski strokovni študij)
ID Šubic, Janez (Author), ID Bončina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 178A84E5091D456B9FB31A6E76764826
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e34f476f-8aec-46b3-80b1-538a366a1c6e

V gozdnogospodarski enoti Ravne (GGO Kočevje) smo osnovali raziskovalni objektVolčji štant (del oddelka 53) za študij strukture, pomlajevanja in razvoja dinarskih prebiralnih jelovo-bukovih gozdov. Na 45 stalnih raziskovalnih 5-arskih ploskvah smo posneli ničelno stanje gozdnih sestojev, tako da smo izmerili in ocenili znake za vsa drevesa s prsnim premerom, večjimod 10 cm. Na 180 ploskvicah (1,5 x 1,5 m) smo preučevali pomladek. Na podlagi arhivskih virov smo analizirali razvoj gozdov v raziskovalnem objektu in celotni gozdnogospodarskih enoti Ravne v obdobju 1892-2007. V raziskovalnemobjektu in celotni enoti so opazne znatne spremembe debelinske indrevesne zgradbe gozdov. Delež jelke se opazno spreminja; do leta 1961 je zaradi sečenj listavcev delež jelke naraščal, potem pa je zaradi slabe vitalnosti in velike gostote velikih rastlinojedov stalno upadal. Struktura gozdnih sestojev v raziskovalnem objektu je posamično in deloma skupinsko prebiralna, lesna zaloga znaša 420 m3/ha, za sestoje sta značilna visok delež debelega drevja (47 %) in znaten deleže smreke (14 %). Kvaliteta, vitalnost inpomlajevanje drevesnih vrst je ustrezno.

Keywords:prebiralni gozdovi, prebilano gospodarjenje, dinarski jelovo-bukovi gozdovi, pomlajevanje, Ravne
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Šubic]
Number of pages:X, 61 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15481 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*221.04:630*61(497.4*06 Ravne)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:2117286 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

In the Ravne forest management unit (the Kočevje forestry region) a new research site - Volčji štant (part of the 53 compartment) was established withthe aim of studying structure, regeneration and development of the Dinaricplenter fir-beech forest. Tree and stand parameters were surveyed on 45permanent research plots, 500 m2 each. Dbh for trees with dbh > 10 cm were measured and crown characteristics of trees were estimated. Regeneration was studied on 180 subplots (1.5 x 1.5 m each). We studied stand development of forests for the period 1892-2007 both in the research site and in the whole management unit, for the latter using data from old forest management plans and archives. In the research object as well as in the entire management unit,considerable changes of the diameter distribution and tree composition offorests occurred. The portion of silver-fir has changed noticeably; it increased until 1961 because of intensive cut of broad-leaved trees, and has been decreasing since due to weak vitality and large density of the red deer preventing its regeneration. In the research site single and group plenter structure of forest stands prevail, growing stock amounts to 420 m3/ha; high percentage of thick trees (47 %) and considerable percentage of Norway spruce (14 %) are characteristic for the stands. Quality, vitality and regeneration of tree species are satisfying.

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