
Evalvacija zbirke v tujih jezikih v Knjižnici Ivana Tavčarja Škofja Loka
ID Benedičič, Petra (Author), ID Petek, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem seminarju je obravnavana zbirka tujega gradiva v Knjižnici Ivana Tavčarja Škofja Loka, torej vse knjige napisane v jezikih, ki ni slovenščina. Zbirka je ovrednotena v treh vidikih; njena skladnost z nabavno politiko knjižnice, statistična analiza posameznih faktorjev zbirke, kot so jeziki besedila, delež darov pri prirasti, in podobno, ter z vidika zadovoljstva uporabnikov. Ugotovili smo, da je izgradnja te zbirke v veliki meri spontana in da čeprav je prirast zbirke zopet pozitiven, le ta ni v deležu nakupa, saj je knjižnica finančno omejena in tako primorana dati prednost slovenski zbirki gradiva. Večina tujega gradiva se hrani v matični knjižnici v Škofji Loki, a je uporabnikom krajevnih enot vseeno dostopno preko medknjižnične izposoje. Prav tako si knjižničarke, deloma zaradi prostorne stiske, deloma pa zaradi razdeljenih finančnih sredstev posameznih občin, vedno bolj prizadevajo uravnoteženo graditi tudi krajevne zbirke tujega gradiva. Tudi glavno zbirko še naprej povečujejo, pri čemur se vedno bolj zanašajo na darove uporabnikov. Anketa le-teh kaže, da so v glavnem z zbirko zadovoljni, a si želijo več raznovrstnosti in novitet.

Keywords:tuja literatura, nabavna politika, izgradnja zbirke, anketa uporabnikov, darovi, Knjižnica Ivana Tavčarja Škofja Loka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154796 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127109891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Foreign literature collection evaluation at the Ivan Tavčar Public Library in Škofja Loka
My diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the foreign literature collection in the Ivan Tavčar Public Library in Škofja Loka, or in other words, with all its books that are not written in Slovene. The collection is evaluated in three parts; how well it conforms with the regulations of the library's collections development policy, a statistical analysis of several individual facets of the collection, such as language relations and the share that donations have in general growth of the collection, and finally, a survey to determine the general satisfaction of the users. The final overview reveals that the development of the collection is in large part spontaneous and that although the growth of the collection is on the increase again, it is not due to more books being bought as the library is under heavy financial restrictions and therefore forced to prioritise Slovenian material. The majority of its foreign literature is located in the main library in Škofja Loka, with the users of the subsidiary local libraries being able to access it via a well-developed inter-librarian exchange programme. It is also worth mentioning, that librarians lately strive to send more works to local libraries, partially because of storage issues and partially because they want to even out the difference some as four separate counties contribute financial means to support their local libraries. The collection in the main library is also growing, largely due to book donations of its users. The survey conducted amongst them shows that although they are generally satisfied with the state of their collection, they do wish for more variety.

Keywords:foreign literature collection, collection development policy, collection development, users survey, book donations, Ivan Tavčar Public Library in Škofja Loka

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