
Postopek izdelave 3D modela za tiskanje iz CT diagnostičnih slikovnih podatkov : magistrsko delo
ID Žekš, Anita (Author), ID Žibert, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mekiš, Nejc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Uporaba 3D tiska se je danes že močno integrirala v področje medicine ter radiologije. Uporaba napredne vizualizacije v radiologiji je dodana vrednost pri diagnostiki, saj zagotavlja otipljive informacije o anatomskih in patoloških strukturah. Pri izdelavi modela so anatomske strukture segmentirane iz DICOM podatkov in pretvorjene v virtualne 3D modele ter shranjene v datoteke, ki jih prepozna 3D tiskalnik. Izdelavo končnega produkta lahko razdelimo na več korakov, le ti so zajem podatkov in shranjevanje slik, izdelava modela (nalaganje podatkov, obrezovanje, segmentacija, vizualizacija), ustvarjanje STL datoteke, priprava na tisk, tisk modela in po-obdelava. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge je predstaviti postopek izdelave 3D modela iz diagnostičnih slikovnih podatkov, pridobljenih s CT slikanjem. Cilj magistrske naloge je razvoj postopka, kako iz CT slik pripraviti model namenjen 3D tisku ter izvedba postopka na praktičnem primeru. Metode dela: Najprej smo na področju 3D tiska pregledali izbrano literaturo, iskali smo podatke o uporabnosti v praksi, samem procesu tiska in zahtevah za izdelavo modela. V drugem delu smo na primeru kolka izdelali 3D model pri tem pa spoznavali različne segmentacijske tehnike v programu 3D Slicer. Rezultati: Pri procesu segmentacije so možni različni načini, kako segmentacijo podatkov opravimo. Poznamo ročna orodja in semiavtomatične načine segmentacije, to so upragovljanje, polnjenje med rezinami, sledenje ravnini in povečevanje območij. Pri izdelavi našega modela smo kot osnovno segmentacijo uporabili metodo upragovljanja z ročnimi popravki. Dobljeno STL datoteko smo izvozili v program za tisk, nastavili parametre in model kolka tudi natisnili. Napake se pri posameznem koraku izdelave modela v naslednjih korakih potencirajo. Razprava in zaključek: Segmentacije je eden najpomembnejših postopkov pri 3D tisku. Različni načini pa imajo svoje prednosti in slabosti. V našem primeru, smo zaključili, da sta metodi upragovljanja in povečevanja zelo podobni tehniki in dajeta najbolj učinkovite rezultate. Študije na različnih področjih uvrščajo 3D tisk kot uporabno metodo pri zahtevnih primerih, učenju posegov, razumevanju kompleksne anatomije in optimizaciji posegov. Izdelava 3D modela zahteva multidisciplinarno sodelovanje med zdravniki, radiološkimi inženirji in drugimi 3D inženirji, še vedno pa ni opredeljeno, kateri poklic naj bo odgovoren za posamezni korak.

Keywords:magistrska dela, radiološka tehnologija, 3D tisk, 3D Slicer, 3D model, Segment Editor, segmentacija, CT podatki, DICOM
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Žekš]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154775 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:187324419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Process of making 3D printed model from CT diagnostic image data : master thesis
Introduction: The use of 3D printing has already been strongly integrated into the field of medicine and radiology. The use of advanced visualization in radiology is an added value in diagnostics, as it provides additional information about anatomical and pathological structures. When creating a model, anatomical structures are segmented from DICOM data and converted into virtual 3D models and stored in files that are recognized by a 3D printer. The production of the final product can be divided into several steps, these are data aquisition, data storage, model creation (data upload, trimming, segmentation, visualization), STL file creation, print preparation, model printing and post-processing. Purpose: : The purpose of the master thesis is to present the process of creating a 3D model from diagnostic image data obtained by CT imaging. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop a procedure for preparing a model for 3D printing from CT images and to carry out the procedure on a practical example. In this case, we will be interested in the technical and practical requirements of such production Methods. First, in the field of 3D printing, we reviewed the selected literature, we looked for information about usability in practice, the printing process itself and the requirements for making the model. In the second part, we made a 3D model on the example of the hip and learned about different segmentation techniques in the 3D Slicer program. Results: In the segmentation process, there are different ways to segment data. We know hand tools and semi-automatic segmentation methods, which include threshold, fill between slices, level tracing and grow from seeds. In creating our model, we used the thresholding method as a basic segmentation with manual corrections. The resulting STL file was exported to the print program, the parameters were set and the hip model was printed. Errors at each stage of the design are amplified in subsequent steps. Discussion and conclusion: Segmentation is one of the most important processes in 3D printing. However, different methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In our case, we concluded that the methods of thresholding and grow from seeds are very similar techniques and give the most effective results. Studies in various fields classify 3D printing as a useful method for challenging cases, learning procedures, understanding complex anatomy and optimizing procedures. Creating a 3D model requires multidisciplinary collaboration between doctors, radiologic technologist and other 3D engineers, but it is still unclear which profession should be responsible for each step.

Keywords:master's theses, radiologic technology, 3D printing, 3D Slicer, 3D Model, Segment Editor, segmentation, CT Data, DICOM

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