
Primerjava epidemioloških izsledkov in uspešnosti nacionalnih presejalnih programov za zgodnje odkrivanje raka v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem
ID Šeb, Iva (Author), ID Jeras, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Antoljak, Nataša (Comentor)

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Epidemiologija je področje medicine, ki za preprečevanje bolezni uporablja različne pristope za izboljšanje zdravja, med katerimi izstopa zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni v zdravi asimptomatski populaciji, oz. presejanje (angl. screening). Pri boleznih, ki imajo razmeroma dolgo obdobje od nastopa bolezni do pojava simptomov in za katere obstaja ustrezen test za njihovo zgodnje odkrivanje, so tiste, pri katerih lahko upravičeno izvajamo presejanje. Takšni presejalni testi, oz. preiskave pa morajo seveda ustrezati kriterijem klinične veljavnosti, predvsem v smislu ustrezne občutljivosti in specifičnosti ter biti varni za preiskovance. S presejalnim testiranjem odkritim pozitivnim osebam moramo zagotoviti ustrezno diagnostiko in zdravljenje, da bi dosegli končni cilj, to je zmanjšanje umrljivosti in izboljšanje kakovosti njihovega življenja. Da bi bili presejalni programi čim bolj učinkoviti, moramo omogočiti in zagotoviti čim večji odziv posameznikov v splošni populaciji. Dejstvo, da so bolezni obtočil in maligne bolezni najpogostejši vzroki smrti v Evropski uniji (EU) in da so leta 2020 v EU zabeležili 2,7 milijona novih primerov raka in 1,3 milijona smrti zaradi teh bolezni, jasno kaže na nujno potrebo po izvajanju presejalnih programov na tem področju. V okviru magistrske naloge smo preučili, predstavili in primerjali nacionalne presejalne programe za zgodnje odkrivanje raka debelega črevesja ter raka dojk in raka materničnega vratu v dveh sosednjih državah, članicah EU, Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Hrvaški. Zbrali, uredili, predstavili in primerjali smo epidemiološke rezultate ter ovrednotili učinkovitost omenjenih presejalnih programov. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo določene razlike v njihovi organizaciji in izvedbi ter odzivnosti vabljene splošne populacije, v obeh državah. Ugotovili smo tudi, da organizirani presejalni programi, v primerjavi z občasnimi, ter njihova centralizacija pozitivno vplivajo na njihovo uspešnost.

Keywords:rak debelega črevesa, rak dojk, rak materničnega vratu, nacionalni programi presejalnega testiranja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154628 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of epidemiological results and success rates of national screening programs for early detection of cancer in Slovenia and Croatia
Epidemiology is a field of medicine that uses various health improvement approaches for disease prevention among which screening for an early detection of disease in a healthy asymptomatic population, stands out. Diseases for which screening can be justified are those that have a relatively long period from their onset to the appearance of symptoms, and for which there is an appropriate early detection test. Such screening tests or medical exams must meet the criteria of clinical validity, especially in terms of expected sensitivity and specificity, and must be safe for patients. For the positive patients detected by screening testing we must provide appropriate diagnostics and treatment, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, which is reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. In order for screening programs to be as effective as possible, we must enable and ensure the greatest possible response from individuals from the general population. The fact that circulatory system and malignant diseases are the most common causes of death in the European Union (EU), and that in 2020 there were 2.7 million new cancer cases and 1.3 million deaths due to these diseases in the EU, clearly shows the urgent need for implementation of screening programs in these fields. As a part of this master's thesis, we studied, presented and compared national screening programs for the early detection of colon cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer in two neighbouring countries, both members of the EU, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. We collected, processed, presented and compared the epidemiological data and evaluated the effectiveness of the above-mentioned screening programs. We found that there are certain differences in their organization and implementation, as well as the responsiveness of the invited general population, in the two countries. We also found that organized screening programs, compared to opportunistic ones, and their centralization have a positive effect on their impact.

Keywords:colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, national screening programs

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