
Oblikovanje športno rekreacijskega parka ob reki Sori v Medvodah na odseku med Svetjem in Vašami
ID Vertot, Maša (Author), ID Gazvoda, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo naslavlja problematiko pomanjkanja in urejanja zelenih površin v mestu Medvode. Na odseku med Svetjem in Vašami se skladno z namensko rabo, določeno v občinskem prostorskem načrtu, uredi zelene površine ob reki Sori. Na levem bregu se uredi park, na desnem pa športni park. Cilj magistrske naloge je ureditev obravnavanega območja kot osrednje športno-rekreacijsko in parkovno središče Medvod. Medvode bi z novo ureditvijo dobile svoj prvi mestni park, ki bi povečal kvaliteto bivanja okoliških prebivalcev v Medvodah, ter športni park, ki bi s svojim raznolikim programom krepil medgeneracijsko povezovanje obiskovalcev ter dvignil raven prepoznavnosti Medvod. V oviru naloge je predstavljeno tako širše kot tudi ožje območje obdelave, analiziralo se je stanje zelenih in športnorekreacijskih površin, preučile so se smernice za nadaljni razvoj športno rekreacijskih površin ter preverila veljavna zakonodaja, ki je služila kot usmeritev za izdelavo nove ureditve. V posebnem poglavju so zbrane inventarizacijske karte in prostorske analize. V nalogo so vključeni tudi referenčni primeri projektov, ki se soočajo s podobnimi izzivi kot območje urejanja. Pomemben del ureditve so nove povezave čez reko, ki prostor povežejo v homogeno celoto. Nov raznolik športni in parkovni program območja prispeva h krepitvi medgeneracijskega povezovanja obiskovalcev in dvigne kakovost bivanja obstoječega naselja.

Keywords:zelene površine, parkovna ureditev, športno rekreacijske površine, športni park, avtohtono medovito drevje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154556 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:186296067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.02.2024
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Title:Designing a sports and recreational park along the Sora river in Medvode, in the section between Svetje and Vaše
The master's thesis addresses the issue of insufficient green space and its development in the town of Medvode. In the section between Svetje and Vaše, in accordance with the designated land use outlined in the municipal spatial plan, green areas along the Sora River are to be developed. A park is proposed for the left bank, while a sports park is planned for the right bank. The objective of the master's thesis is to transform the designated area into the central sports-recreational and park center of Medvode. This envisioned transformation includes establishing Medvode's first municipal park on the left bank, enhancing the quality of life for the residents, and introducing a diverse sports park that fosters intergenerational connections and raises the recognition of Medvode. The thesis encompasses both a broader and a narrower scope of the development area, analyzing the state of green and sports-recreational areas, examining guidelines for further development of sports-recreational spaces, and scrutinizing relevant legislation as a guiding framework for the new development. Specific sections focus on inventory maps and spatial analyses. The thesis also incorporates reference projects facing similar challenges to the designated development area. A crucial aspect of the plan involves creating new connections across the river, unifying the space into a cohesive whole. The introduction of a diverse sports and park program in the area contributes to strengthening intergenerational connections among the users and enhances the quality of life in the existing settlement.

Keywords:green areas, park layout, sports and recreational areas, sports park, native honey-bearing trees

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