
Sistemi čiščenja odpadne vode na osnovi mikroalg
ID Kobe, Eva (Author), ID Plazl, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Okoljsko onesnaženje iz leta v leto drastično narašča, ena izmed ključnih težav je predvsem onesnaženje vodnih virov, kar predstavlja resne posledice za našo prihodnost. Razvoj tehnologij za čiščenje odpadne vode je postala ustaljena praksa, vendar imajo konvencionalni sistemi čiščenja določene pomanjkljivosti. Mikroalge predstavljajo ekonomično in trajnostno rešitev, saj so poleg asimilacije hranil s fotosintetsko aktivnostjo zmožne bioremediacije širokega nabora onesnaževal z mehanizmi biosorpcije, bioakumulacije in biorazgradnje. Imajo zmožnost odstranjevanja hranil in onesnaževal tudi v nižjih koncentracijah, zmanjševanja emisij CO2, izkoriščanja virov, tako anorganskega kot organskega ogljika, in s tem obravnave različnih virov odpadne vode. Mikroalge lahko gojimo v odprtih ali zaprtih sistemih z ustrezno optimizacijo obratovalnih parametrov. Znane so po hitri rasti in izjemni sposobnosti prilagajanja raznolikim in zahtevnim razmeram. Biomaso, ki ostane po čiščenju, ločimo od odpadne vode s postopki sedimentacije, flotacije, flokulacije, koagulacije, filtracije ali centrifugiranja. Pridobljena biomasa je zadnje čase deležna vse večje pozornosti zaradi možnosti uporabe za več namenov, kot so proizvodnja biogoriv, uporaba v agroživilski in farmacevtski industriji ter pridobivanje izdelkov z dodano vrednostjo. Kljub inovativni tehnologiji uporabe mikroalg za čiščenje odpadne vode se še vedno soočamo s šibkimi točkami. Velik izziv predstavlja prenos tehnologije na poln obseg, kar zahteva sistematično integracijo inovativnih rešitev v realna okolja z raznolikimi viri odpadne vode, tako je pričakovati še več prihodnjih raziskav na tem področju.

Keywords:biomasa, mikroalge, odpadna voda, onesnaževala
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154452 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:185637891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems
Environmental pollution is increasing drastically from year to year, with one of the main problems being the pollution of water sources, which can have serious consequences for our future. The development of wastewater treatment technologies is now common practice, but traditional treatment systems have certain shortcomings. Microalgae represent an economical and sustainable solution as they not only assimilate nutrients through photosynthetic activity but are also capable of removing a wide range of pollutants through biosorption, bioaccumulation and biodegradation. They can remove nutrients and pollutants even at lower concentrations, reduce CO2 emissions and utilize both inorganic and organic carbon to treat various wastewater sources. Microalgae can be cultivated in open or closed systems if the operating parameters are optimized accordingly. They are known for their rapid growth and remarkable adaptability to different and challenging conditions. The biomass remaining after treatment is separated from the wastewater by sedimentation, flotation, flocculation, coagulation, filtration, or centrifugation. The biomass has recently attracted increasing attention due to its potential for various purposes such as the production of biofuels, use in the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries and the extraction of value-added products. Despite the innovative technology of using microalgae for wastewater treatment, we still face some challenges. One major challenge is the transfer of the technology to large-scale applications, which requires the systematic integration of innovative solutions into real environments with different wastewater sources. A considerable amount of research is therefore still to be expected in this area.

Keywords:biomass, microalgae, pollutants, wastewater

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