
Ali je književni pouk lahko prepričljiv za učence?
ID Grosman, Meta (Author)

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Pozitiven odnos do književnosti in literarno bralno zmožnost kot osnovna cilja učnih načrtov lahko dosežemo le, če sta ta cilja za učence sprejemljiva in metode za njuno udejanjanje prepričljive. K prepričljivosti teh ciljev najbolj prispevajo učenčeva lastna pozitivna literarna doživetja, ki ponazarjajo zanimivost in prijetnost leposlovnega branja, in učiteljevo upoštevanje učenčevih odzivov. Da bi učencem omogočil taka doživetja, se mora učitelj ves čas zavedati dvojnosti besedila kot medosebno dostopnega (grafičnega zapisa) jezikovnega predmeta in kot učenčeve bralne aktualizacije besedila, ki jo psihologi opisujejo kot mentalno predstavitev besedila, besediloslovci pa kot besedilni svet. Upoštevanje razlike med "mrtvim" zapisom s pomenskim potencialom in dejanskimi aktualizacijami besedilnega pomena pri učencih mu omogoča tako obravnavo njihovih dejanskih odzivov, ki spodbuja njihovo poglabljanje, in s prepričanjem, da so njihovi odzivi pomembni za razredno obravnavo, razvijanje njihove književne bralne zmožnosti ter pozitivnega odnosa do književnosti. Šele po tako spodbudni obravnavi lastnih odzivov postane za učence zanimivo tudi vprašanje, kako oz. s katerimi jezikovnimi sredstvi umetnostna besedila spodbujajo obravnavane odzive.

Keywords:didaktika književnosti, književna didaktika, književni pouk, branje, literarno branje, bralna zmožnost, književna bralna zmožnost, koncepti besedila, besedilni svet, sistemska teorija književnosti, literarna teorija, literarne študije
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 55-64
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154428 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:72001378 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.02.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Književnost v izobraževanju - cilji, vsebine, metode
Editors:Boža Krakar-Vogel
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovenistiko, Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
COBISS.SI-ID:242242304 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:25
Collection ISSN:1408-211X

Secondary language

The basic aims of curricula - a positive attitude to literature and the development of literary competence - can only be achieved if they are accepted by students and if their realisation is persuasive for them. Students' own positive experiences of the pleasure and interest of reading literature, along with a responsive teacher, can contribute most to the persuasiveness of these curricular aims. To enable students to have such experiences, teachers must be aware of the dual nature of texts as both inter-subjectively accessible linguistic objects and as students' own reading actualisations, described by psychologists as the mental representation of the text and by linguists as textual worlds. Paying attention to the differences between the text and its meaning potential and the students' actualised meanings makes it possible for teachers to discuss texts and students' responses in ways that promote the upgrading of students' experiences and their trust in the importance of their own responses. Such discussion can contribute to the development of their literary competence and to their positive attitude to literature. Only after such stimulating discussion of their own responses will students be interested in how and by what means literary texts can have such an impact on the way they respond.

Keywords:dydactic of literature, teaching of literatrue, reading, reading of literature, reading competence, competence of literary reading, textual concepts, textual space, systematic theory of literature, theory of literature

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