In this graduation thesis we designed an information system which helped us asses that Udin boršt has always been covered in forest vegetation and that clearing of forest was mainly present in its southern part and in the vicinityof settlements. Although the surface area of the forest has not changed substantially in the last 250 years, its structure has. With abandoning of litter gathering and planned silviculture of cultivating forests, the growing stock at Udin boršt and the share of broadleaves has increased. Today the predominantly insufficiently tended and altered structures in revival prevail. The dominant species are pine and spruce. Basedon coarsesampling net (500 x 250 m) it was not possible to confirm the differences between management classes or strata. The main factors that defineecotopes in Udin boršt are relief, soil and forest asociations. The protection regimes, which are valid in landscape and memorial park Udin boršt,define that managing of forests is allowed by the provisions of certified forest managing plans.