
Priprava portala za poslovno poročanje o podatkih pacientov
ID GOSENCA, JOŽE (Author), ID Solina, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri izbiri tehnologije za implementacijo informacijskega sistema se razvijalcem odpre več tehničnih možnosti. Različna podjetja nudijo aplikacije, ki v različni meri rešujejo problem zajema, obdelave in predstavitve medicinskih podatkov. Diplomsko delo celovito spremlja podatke od njihovega zajema, obdelave, hrambe v podatkovnem skladišču pa vse do njihove objave. Poudarek je zlasti na grafični predstavitvi podatkov, ki se prek kompleksnih poročil transformirajo v informacije, razumljive za človeški um. Medicinske podatke pridobivamo iz relacijske baze aplikacije in OpenEHR platforme. V podatkovnem skladišču jih nato obdelamo ter shranimo v obliki, ki je vsebinsko in strukturno primerna za izdelavo poročil. S pomočjo orodja TABLEAU, specializiranega za poslovno poročanje, predstavimo podatke na najbolj intuitiven način. V delu je opisana tudi organizacija TABLEAU strežnika, kjer so poročila objavljena in dostopna preko spleta. Na koncu so predstavljeni primeri najbolj reprezentativnih poročil, ki jih bolnišnice dejansko uporabljajo v praksi. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstaviti postopek, ki spreminja neobdelane podatke v kompleksna, estetsko oblikovana, ter interaktivna spletna poročila.

Keywords:ETL, Podatkovno skladišče, Poslovno poročanje, OpenEHR, Tableau, medicinski podatki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154300 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:184613891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Preparing a Portal for Business Reporting on Patient Data
When choosing technology for the implementation of an information system, developers have various technical solutions at their disposal. Different companies offer applications that partially or entirely address the issue of capturing, processing, and presenting medical data. The thesis comprehensively follows data from their capture, processing, storage in a data warehouse, to their publication. The emphasis is particularly on the graphical representation of data, which, through complex reports, transforms into information understandable to the human mind. Medical data is obtained from the relational database of the application and the OpenEHR platform. In the data warehouse, they are then processed and stored in a format that is content-wise and structurally suitable for report generation. Using TABLEAU, a tool specialized in business reporting, we present the data in the most intuitive way. The organization of the TABLEAU server, where reports are published and accessible online, is also described. Finally, examples of the most representative reports that hospitals actually use in practice are presented. The goal of the thesis is to present a process that transforms raw data into complex, aesthetically designed, and interactive web reports.

Keywords:ETL, Data Warehouse, Business inteligence, OpenEHR, Tableau, medical data

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