
Vloga Willemsove pedagogike pri razvoju glasbenega posluha : magistrski esej
ID Šepec, Tadej (Author), ID Habe, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prešiček, Dejan (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi proučujemo glasbeni posluh kot enega ključnih temeljev in potencialov glasbenikovega razvoja na eni strani, na drugi strani pa kot osnovno sredstvo poslušalca zvoka, saj je poslušanje le-tega osnovni pogoj za dojemanje glasbe kot umetnosti. Znano je, da je raven glasbenega posluha odvisna od genskih predispozicij, okolja in seveda posameznikovega glasbenega udejstvovanja. Nekaterim je torej glasbeni posluh v znatni meri prirojen, drugi pa morajo njegovemu razvoju posvetiti več truda in pozornosti, kot pri vsakem učenju pa je tudi pri glasbi poglaviten zgoden začetek. Tu imajo v današnji družbi pogosto poglavitno vlogo glasbene šole in učitelji in sicer z usmerjanjem in posredovanjem svojega strokovnega znanja. Pri tem se ubirajo različni pristopi in metode, glede na znanja in prepričanja učiteljev, profesorjev, oz. glasbeno-izobraževalnih ustanov. Kot eni izmed uveljavljenih in s strani stroke cenjenih metod se bomo tako posvetili metodi glasbene vzgoje in izobraževanja po Edgarju Willemsu in tehnikam, ki se jih poslužuje.

Keywords:metoda Edgarja Willemsa, glasbeno uvajanje, razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti, glasbeni posluh
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Šepec
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154246-f93a9710-9c3b-9d97-02d2-bc6cfc8e8e17 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2656903 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Role of Willems’ pedagogy in musical ear development
The paper studies musical ear, as one of the key foundations and potentials of one’s musical development on one hand, and on the other hand, as a sound listener’s assets, for it is the listening to sound, what forms the basic condition of hearing music as an art form. It is well known, that level of musical ear depends upon genetical predispositions, environment and, of course, one’s musical activity. Therefore some people have more significant natural talent than others, who need to dedicate more work, in order to develop it. As in case of any type of learning, it is of great importance to start in early childhood. From that we can conclude, that music schools play an important role in our society, when it comes to directing children and passing their knowledge. Doing that, teachers, professors and institutions use various approaches and methods, considering their proficiency and beliefs. Being one of established and highly valued, we will dedicate our attention tThe paper studies musical ear, as one of the key foundations and potentials of one’s musical development on one hand, and on the other hand, as a sound listener’s assets, for it is the listening to sound, what forms the basic condition of hearing music as an art form. It is well known, that level of musical ear depends upon genetical predispositions, environment and, of course, one’s musical activity. Therefore some people have more significant natural talent than others, who need to dedicate more work, in order to develop it. As in case of any type of learning, it is of great importance to start in early childhood. From that we can conclude, that music schools play an important role in our society, when it comes to directing children and passing their knowledge. Doing that, teachers, professors and institutions use various approaches and methods, considering their proficiency and beliefs. Being one of established and highly valued, we will dedicate our attention to the Edgar Willems’ method of musical education. o the Edgar Willems’ method of musical education.

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