
Vpliv izbranih pomožnih snovi na zniževanje viskoznosti formulacij z monoklonskimi protitelesi
ID Meglen, Maja (Author), ID Ahlin Grabnar, Pegi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bjelošević Žiberna, Maja (Comentor)

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Terapevtska monoklonska protitelesa so najhitreje rastoči razred zdravilnih učinkovin, vendar se soočajo z številnimi izzivi, kot sta nestabilnost monoklonskih protiteles in visoka viskoznost formulacije. Razvoj visokokoncentriranih formulacij zahteva izbiro ustreznih pomožnih snovi, ki ohranjajo stabilnost med izdelavo, transportom in shranjevanjem, obenem pa zmanjšujejo viskoznost za učinkovito injiciranje v podkožno tkivo. V okviru magistrske naloge smo oblikovali formulacijo za vgradnjo monoklonskega protitelesa z uporabo ustrezne kombinacije pufra, stabilizatorja in površinsko aktivne snovi. Raziskali smo vpliv koncentracije monoklonskega protitelesa na viskoznost formulacije in ugotovili eksponentno naraščanje viskoznosti formulacije s povečevanjem koncentracije monoklonskega protitelesa. Formulacije s koncentracijo do 150 mg/mL so ohranile primerno viskoznost za subkutano aplikacijo (20 mPas), nadaljnje povečanje pa je povzročilo izrazito povečanje viskoznosti. Na podlagi slednjega smo v naslednjem koraku naloge želeli identificirati pomožne snovi, ki bi učinkovito znižale viskoznost proučevanih formulacij. Izbor testnih spojin, ki smo jih vključili v raziskavo, je temeljil na predhodno narejeni raziskavi vpliva teh spojin na zniževanje viskoznosti raztopin monoklonskih protiteles v vodi. Testirali smo vpliv arginina, prolina in 11 novih testnih spojin na zniževanje viskoznosti formulacije z monoklonskim protitelesom. Vse testne spojine so mimetiki prolina. Kot učinkovite spojine za zniževanje viskoznosti formulacij z monoklonskimi protitelesi smo ocenili TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS8 in TS11, saj imajo učinek znižanja relativne viskoznosti nižji od 0,64 (relativni učinek prolina). Pri pospešenem testiranju stabilnosti pri 40 °C in 75 % vlažnosti v klimatskih komorah ter pri 4 °C v hladilniku smo opazili, da so spojine TS2, TS5 in TS7 učinkovite pri stabilizaciji monoklonskega protitelesa. V splošnem pa je modelno monoklonsko protitelo bolj občutljivo na agregacijo in fragmentacijo pri višjih temperaturah, zato je potrebno shranjevanje formulacije z modelnim monoklonskim protitelesom pri znižani temperaturi, natančneje v hladilniku pri 4 °C.

Keywords:monoklonsko protitelo, subkutana aplikacija, viskoznost, pomožne snovi, stabilnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154240 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of selected excipients on the viscosity reduction of monoclonal antibodies’ formulations
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are the fastest growing class of active pharmaceutical ingredients, but face several challenges, such as the instability of monoclonal antibodies and the high viscosity of the formulation. The development of highly concentrated formulations requires the selection of appropriate excipients that maintain stability during manufacture, transport and storage, while reducing viscosity for effective injection into subcutaneous tissue. In the context of the MSc thesis, we have designed a formulation for the incorporation of a monoclonal antibody using an appropriate combination of buffer, stabilizer and surfactant. The effect of the monoclonal antibody concentration on the viscosity of the formulation was investigated, and an exponential increase in the viscosity of the formulation with increasing monoclonal antibody concentration was observed. Formulations with concentrations up to 150 mg/mL maintained a suitable viscosity for subcutaneous administration (20 mPas), while further increases in concentration resulted in a marked increase in viscosity. In the next step of the task, we wanted to define excipients that would effectively lower the viscosity of the formulation. The selection of the tested compounds to be included in the study was based on a previous study on the effect of these compounds on the viscosity reduction of solutions of monoclonal antibodies in water. We tested the effect of arginine, proline and 11 new testing compounds on the viscosity reduction of the monoclonal antibody formulation. All tested compounds are proline mimetics. TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS8 and TS11 were evaluated as effective viscosity lowering compounds for monoclonal antibody formulations as they have a relative viscosity lowering effect lower than 0,64 (relative effect of proline). In accelerated stability testing at 40 °C and 75% humidity in climate chambers and at 4 °C in a refrigerator, it was observed that compounds TS2, TS5 and TS7 are effective in stabilizing the monoclonal antibody. In general, however, the model monoclonal antibody is more susceptible to aggregation and fragmentation at higher temperatures and therefore storage of the model monoclonal antibody formulation at a reduced temperature, more specifically in a refrigerator at 4 °C, is necessary.

Keywords:monoclonal antibody, subcutaneous administration, viscosity, excipients, stability

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