
Etična razsežnost medosebnih odnosov v luči personalistične etike Karola Wojtyłe in Teologije telesa Janeza Pavla II. : doktorska disertacija
ID Perčič, Martin (Author), ID Globokar, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V doktorski disertaciji z naslovom Etična razsežnost medosebnih odnosov v luči personalistične etike Karola Wojtyłe in Teologije telesa Janeza Pavla II. obravnavamo razumevanje prepleta antropologije in etike, kot ga Karol Wojtyła oziroma Janez Pavel II. razvija v svoji personalistični antropologiji in etiki ter Teologiji telesa. Predstavili smo kontekst, v katerem se je oblikovala filozofija in teologija Karola Wojtyłe oziroma Janeza Pavla II. Obširneje smo predstavili njegovo srečanje z Janezom od Križa (1542–1591), ki je zaznamovalo nadaljevanje njegovega študija. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na njegovo disertacijo, v kateri je obravnaval dela Janeza od Križa. Nadalje smo orisali sodobno filozofsko percepcijo človeka, ki je prav tako zaznamovala Wojtyłovo misel; pri tem smo izpostavili Francisa Bacona (1561–1626) in Renéja Descartesa (1596–1650) ter podrobneje Immanuela Kanta (1724–1804) in Maxa Schelerja (1874–1928), ki sta svojo misel oblikovala na temelju sodobnih filozofskih premis, ki so vplivale na sodobno percepcijo človeka. Zatem smo se osredotočili tudi na srednjeveškega misleca Tomaža Akvinskega (1225–1274), ki je pomembno vplival na razvoj sholastične filozofije in teologije ter s tem na razvoj Wojtyłove filozofske in teološke misli. Z analizo filozofskih in teoloških tokov smo izpostavili vire, ki so vplivali na oblikovanje specifične filozofije Karola Wojtyłe, ki je analiziral in medsebojno povezoval različne filozofske koncepte, pri tem pa se še posebej osredotočil na človeka kot osebo in s tem povezano etičnost človeškega delovanja. Njegova želja, da bi s pomočjo filozofije spoznaval in razumeval globine človeške osebe, je jasno razvidna iz njegovih filozofskih del, v katerih sta v samem osrčju antropologija in etika. V filozofiji je videl možnost razumevanja in racionalne potrditve človeške eksistence, kar je omogočalo poglobljeno razumevanje specifičnosti človeške osebe. S proučevanjem Wojtyłovih filozofskih del smo pokazali, na kakšen način integrira klasične ontološke kategorije in fenomenološko metodo. Integracija teh dveh metodoloških pristopov je namreč prispevala k integracijskemu pogledu na antropologijo in etiko, kar je po Wojtyłu ključno za razumevanje kompleksne resničnosti človeškega življenja. Wojtyła namreč nasprotuje možnosti ločitve antropologije in etike na dve povsem ločeni področji, ne nasprotuje pa možnosti, da se v specifičnih okoliščinah bolj osredotočimo na eno področje kot na drugo. Prav zato je antropologija pomembna za celosten pogled na vsebino in metodo etike. Zatem smo raziskali, na kakšen način Wojtyła utemeljuje moralno teorijo, ki je v osnovi kritika Schelerjeve in Kantove etike ter sprejemanje tomistične filozofije. Najprej smo obravnavali vprašanje človeka v svetu dobrega in vrednot. Nato smo pogledali, na kakšen način je povezana normativnost etike in odgovornost osebe; zatem smo pogledali, kako obravnava povezanost med dolžnostmi in vrednotami ter normo moralnosti in personalistično normo. Izpostavili smo sintezo naravnega prava in personalistične norme, ki jo Janez Pavel II. oblikuje v encikliki Veritatis splendor. V tem kontekstu smo predstavili tudi Wojtyłovo percepcijo ljubezni v povezavi z dostojanstvom človeka kot osebe. Wojtyła namreč pravi, da mora biti medosebni odnos nenehno potrjevanje dostojanstva osebe ali pa se spremeni v utilitaristično izkoriščanje. Prav to je tudi izhodišče njegove teološke antropologije v Teologiji telesa, v kateri papež pod teološkim vidikom obravnava človeka kot osebo. Preko poglobljene hermenevtične analize Teologije telesa smo raziskovali, v kakšni meri je teološka antropologija v kontinuiteti z njegovo filozofsko antropologijo. Pokazali smo, da Janez Pavel II. obravnava človeka kot podobo in podobnost Boga ter v tej perspektivi pokaže, kakšen je pomen telesa v izvornem, tj. stvarjenjskem in zgodovinskem stanju, kar naredi preko analize Visoke pesmi in Tobita. Pri tem še posebej izpostavi medosebno darovanje samega sebe, kar je osrednja ideja v krščanskem moralnem etosu, ki poudarja pomen daritve in požrtvovalne ljubezni po vzoru Jezusa Kristusa, saj ljubezen ni osredotočena na samozadovoljevanje, ampak na nesebičnost, dajanje samega sebe brez pričakovanja povračila. V kontekstu moralne teologije medosebno darovanje samega sebe vključuje negovanje odnosov z drugimi, ki temeljijo na ljubezni, sočutju in služenju. Posebno pozornost pri našem raziskovanju smo posvetili konceptu darovanjske ljubezni, ki ga je Janez Pavel II. razvijal v katehezah Teologije telesa, ki je po naših dognanjih utemeljen na filozofski antropologiji in etiki Karola Wojtyłe. Na nedvoumen način smo pokazali na kontinuiteto med filozofijo Karola Wojtyłe in Teologijo telesa Janeza Pavla II. ter ovrednotili njegov prispevek k adekvatnemu razumevanju osebe, medosebnih odnosov in pomena osebne moralnosti.

Keywords:Karol Wojtyła, Janez Pavel II., Tomaž Akvinski, tomizem, fenomenologija, personalizem, personalistična etika, personalistična etična norma, darovanjski trikotnik Janeza od Križa, Janez od Križa, Teologija telesa
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Perčič]
Number of pages:334 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154148 This link opens in a new window
UDC:27-1Janez Pavel II.
COBISS.SI-ID:183589379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The ethical dimension of interpersonal relations in the light of the personalistic ethics of Karol Wojtyła and the Theology of the body of John Paul II.
In the dissertation entitled Ethical Dimension of Interpersonal Relations in the Light of the Personalistic Ethics of Karol Wojtyła and the Theology of the Body of John Paul II., we consider the understanding of the interplay of anthropology and ethics as developed by Karol Wojtyła and John Paul II in his Personalist Anthropology and Ethics and his Theology of the Body. We present the context in which the philosophy and theology of Karol Wojtyła and John Paul II were formed. We have elaborated on his encounter with John of the Cross (1542-1591), which marked the continuation of his studies. In this context, we focused on his dissertation, in which he dealt with the works of St John of the Cross. We have also outlined the modern philosophical view of man, which also influenced Wojtył's thought, highlighting Francis Bacon (1561-1626) and René Descartes (1596-1650), and in more detail Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Max Scheler (1874-1928), who shaped their thought on the basis of modern philosophical premises, which influenced the modern view of man. We then turn to Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), who had an important influence on the development of scholastic philosophy and theology, and thus on the development of Wojtył's philosophical and theological thought. Through the analysis of philosophical and theological currents, we have highlighted the sources that influenced the formation of the specific philosophy of Karol Wojtyła, who analysed and combined different philosophical concepts, focusing in particular on man as a person and the related ethics of human action. His desire to use philosophy to know and understand the depths of the human person is clearly evident in his philosophical works, in which anthropology and ethics are at the centre. He saw in philosophy the possibility of understanding and rationally affirming human existence, which allowed for a deeper understanding of the specificity of the human person. By studying Wojtyła's philosophical works, we wanted to show how he integrates classical ontological categories and the phenomenological method. The integration of these two methodological approaches has contributed to an integrative view of anthropology and ethics, which Wojtyła believes is crucial for understanding the complex reality of human life. Wojtyła is opposed to the possibility of separating anthropology and ethics into two completely separate fields, but he is not opposed to the possibility of focusing on one rather than the other in certain circumstances. This is why anthropology is important for a holistic view of the content and method of ethics. We then explored the way in which Wojtyła grounds his moral theory, which is essentially a critique of Scheler's and Kant's ethics and an embrace of Thomistic philosophy. First, we have considered the question of man in the world of good and values. Then we looked at the way in which the normativity of ethics and the responsibility of the person are related, and then we looked at how he treats the relationship between duties and values, and the norm of morality and the personalist norm. We have looked at how John Paul II intertwines natural law and the personalist norm in his encyclical Veritatis Splendor. In this context, we have also presented Wojtyła's view of love in relation to the dignity of the human person. Wojtyła says that the interpersonal relationship must be a constant affirmation of the dignity of the person, otherwise it turns into utilitarian exploitation. This is also the starting point of his theological anthropology in Theology of the Body, in which the Pope treats man as a person from a theological point of view. Through an in-depth hermeneutical analysis of Theology of the Body, we wanted to find out to what extent the theological anthropology is in continuity with his philosophical anthropology. In doing so, we have shown that John Paul II treats man as the image and likeness of God, and in this context, he shows what the meaning of the body is in its original, that is, creational and historical state, which he does through an analysis of the Song of Songs and Tobit. This is a central idea in the Christian moral ethos, which emphasises the importance of sacrifice and self-sacrificing love, following the example of Jesus Christ, since love is not centred on self-giving but on selflessness, the giving of oneself without expecting anything in return. In the context of moral theology, interpersonal self-giving involves nurturing relationships with others based on love, compassion and service. In this way, we wanted to explore how the concept of sacrificial love presented by John Paul II in the catecheses of Theology of the Body is grounded in the philosophical anthropology and ethics of Karol Wojtyła. In doing so, we have clearly shown the continuity between Karol Wojtyła's philosophy and John Paul II's Theology of the body, and we have evaluated his contribution to an adequate understanding of the person, interpersonal relationships and the meaning of personal morality.

Keywords:Karol Wojtyła, John Paul II, St. Thomas Aquinas, thomism, personalism, phenomenology, personalistic ethics, personalistic ethical norm, Sanjuanist Triangle, St. John of the Cross, Theology of the Body

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