
Vpliv pandemije na spremembo vrednot in posledice na vedenje potrošnikov : magistrsko delo
ID Jerovšek, Monika (Author), ID Lah, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Človeške vrednote, ki v svoji osnovi težijo k stabilnosti, so se zaradi velikega globalnega dogodka, ki je pretresel svet, spremenile. Novo nastala normalnost je močno vplivala na odnos in vedenje potrošnikov. V magistrskem delu se osredotočim na spremembo vrednot v kontekstu pandemije covida-19 in vpliv takšnih sprememb za vedenje potrošnikov. Cilj raziskovanja je skozi deskriptivno analizo predstaviti vrednote in njihove značilnosti ter vpliv na potrošnjo. Z empiričnim delom, ki obsega kvantitativno analizo, raziščem, ali so posamezniki zaznali spremembo vrednot po pandemiji ter ali je ta vpliva na njihove potrošne navade. Potrošniki so skozi pandemijo utrdili že usidrane vrednote, kot so varnost, družina in samoizpopolnjevanje, pri čemer se prednostno nagibajo k vrednotam ohranjanja ter samotranscendence in manj k vrednotam samoizboljšanja. Ključen pomen pri odzivanju na pandemične zaščitne ukrepe je imela vrednota varnosti. Skladno s tem so potrošniki prevzeli nove navade, kot so nakupovanje prek spleta, kopičenje izdelkov, iskanje znamk, ki podpirajo njihovo zdravje, ipd. Po končani pandemiji večina ključnih sprememb v vedenju ni več zaznanih, potrošniki se v večji meri vrnejo k svojim predhodnim navadam oziroma z njimi združujejo nove, tako da so jim te bolj priročne.

Keywords:vrednote, pandemija, vedenje potrošnikov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Jerovšek
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (58 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154122 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:183297283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the pandemic on changing values and consequences for consumer behaviour
Human values, which are fundamentally oriented towards stability, have changed in the wake of a major global event that has shaken the world. The new normal has had a profound impact on consumer attitudes and behaviour. In my master thesis I focus on the change in values in the context of the covida-19 pandemic and the consequences of such changes on consumer behaviour. The aim of the research is to present values and their characteristics and their impact on consumption through a descriptive analysis. The empirical part, which consists of a quantitative analysis, investigates whether individuals perceived a change in values after the pandemic, and whether this has had an impact on their consumption habits. Consumers reinforced already established values such as security, family and self-improvement through the pandemic, with a preference towards conservation and self-transcendence values and less towards self-improvement values. The value of security was a key value in the response to pandemic protective measures. Accordingly, consumers have adopted new habits such as online shopping, hoarding products, seeking brands that support their health, etc. After the pandemic is over, most of the key behavioural changes are no longer perceived, consumers are more likely to return to their previous habits or to combine new habits with them in a way that is more convenient for them.

Keywords:values, pandemic, consumer behaviour

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