
Zaznavanje socialne klime in občutki osamljenosti med mladostniki v stanovanjskih skupinah : magistrsko delo
ID Plaznik, Staša (Author), ID Sande, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo preučuje zaznavanje prevladujoče socialne klime v stanovanjski skupini in pojava občutkov osamljenosti skozi oči nameščenih mladostnikov. V teoretičnem delu naloge je obravnavana institucionalna vzgoja za otroke in mladostnike s težavami v socialni integraciji ter vse pogosteje uporabljen termin strokovni centri. Pri tem se v delu ločijo različne oblike pomoči, ki jih slednji nudijo, in se pozornost usmeri na podrobnejše definiranje stanovanjskih skupin. Predstavljena je obrazložitev namestitve v strokovni center, pri čemer se razmeji vloga sodišč in centrov za socialno delo. Opredeljena je specifika populacije, vključene v institucionalno vzgojo, in predstavljene so značilnosti posameznikov s težavami v socialni integraciji. Opisano je obdobje mladostništva, ki se poveže s prej predstavljenim terminom osamljenosti. Pri tem se obravnavajo značilnosti, razlogi in posledice osamljenosti v mladostništvu. Z osamljenostjo je povezan tudi termin socialne klime, ki je pred tem samostojno predstavljen. Na koncu je opisana še socialna klima v institucionalni vzgoji, pri čemer se dodatno pozornost nameni pomembnosti vzpostavljenih odnosov. Glavni namen raziskave, predstavljene v empiričnem delu, je preučiti značilnosti bivanja nameščenih mladostnikov. Delo se poglobi v razumevanje njihove perspektive, saj ravno oni iz prve roke ponujajo vpoglede v problematiko. Porodi se vprašanje, kako nameščeni mladostniki zaznavajo socialno klimo v njihovi skupini, kakšni so njihovi odnosi in kako vplivajo nanjo. Delo raziskuje, kakšni so medosebni odnosi, ki jih mladostniki spletejo v času namestitve. Prav tako se zastavi vprašanje, kakšni so razlogi za razvoj osamljenosti, kako pogosto jo nameščeni mladostniki čutijo in na kakšen način je povezana s socialno klimo. Odgovori na vprašanja so bili pridobljeni preko dveh fokusnih skupin. Rezultati so bili analizirani s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo, pri čemer je bil uporabljen induktivni pristop. Pridobljeni rezultati se nanašajo na mnenja mladostnikov in kažejo na pomembnost vzpostavljene socialne klime, saj ta igra veliko vlogo pri počutju posameznikov. Stanovanjski skupini sta se po skovanih medosebnih odnosih in skupinski dinamiki močno razlikovali, saj so mladostniki ene skupine izpostavljali večinoma negativne vidike, medtem ko so večino časa mladostniki druge izpostavljali pozitivne aspekte. V skupini, kjer so skovani nestabilni medosebni odnosi in je skupinska dinamika dojeta kot bolj negativna, je prevladujoča socialna klima negativna, prav tako se občutki osamljenosti pojavljajo pogosteje. Na socialno klimo skupine vplivajo različni elementi, kot so medosebni odnosi, struktura, dinamika skupine, pravila in kazni ter konflikti. Več kot je negativnega zaznavanja teh elementov, večja je možnost prevladujoče negativne klime v skupini. Z negativno socialno klimo naraščajo tudi možnosti za razvoj občutkov osamljenosti. Pri zbiranju podatkov se je pokazalo tudi veliko faktorjev, ki bi po mnenju nameščenih mladostnikov lahko pripomogli k pozitivni socialni klimi.

Keywords:institucionalna vzgoja, strokovni centri, stanovanjska skupina, čustvene in vedenjske motnje, socialna klima, osamljenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Plaznik
Number of pages:V,124 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154037 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181862403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Perception of the Social Climate and Feelings of Loneliness among Adolescents in Residential Groups
The following master thesis examines the perception of the prevailing social climate in a residential care and the emergence of feelings of loneliness through the eyes of adolescents living in residential care. In the theoretical part of the thesis, institutional education for children and adolescents with difficulties in social integration is addressed, along with the increasingly used term professional centres. In this section, various forms of assistance provided by these centres are distinguished, with a particular focus on a more detailed definition of residential care. The explanation of placement in a professional center is presented, including the differentiation of the roles of the courts and social work centres. The specificity of the population involved in institutional education is defined, and the characteristics of individuals with difficulties in social integration are outlined. The period of adolescence is described, which is linked to the previously introduced term loneliness. Characteristics, reasons, and consequences of loneliness in adolescence are discussed. Loneliness is also associated with the term social climate, which is independently introduced prior. Finally, the social climate within institutional education is described, with additional attention given to the importance of formed relationships. The main purpose of the research presented in the empirical part is to examine the characteristics of the living conditions of placed adolescents. The study delves into understanding their perspective, as they offer firsthand insights into the issues. The question arises of how placed adolescents perceive the social climate in their group, what their relationships are like, and how they influence it. The study explores the interpersonal relationships that adolescents establish during placement. The question is also posed about the reasons for the development of loneliness, how often placed adolescents feel it, and how it is connected to the social climate. Answers to these questions were obtained through the conduct of two focus groups. The results were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, applying an inductive approach. The obtained results relate to the opinions of adolescents and highlight the importance of the established social climate, as it plays a significant role in individuals' well-being. The residential groups were extensively explored based on established interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. Adolescents from one group mostly highlighted negative aspects, while those from the other group emphasized positive aspects most of the time. In the group where unstable interpersonal relationships were formed, and group dynamics were perceived as more negative, the prevailing social climate was negative, and feelings of loneliness occurred more frequently. Various elements influence the group's social climate, such as interpersonal relationships, group structure, dynamics, rules and penalties, and conflicts. The more negative the perception of these elements, the greater the possibility of a prevailing negative climate in the group. With a negative social climate, the chances of developing feelings of loneliness also increase. The data collection process revealed numerous factors that, according to placed adolescents, could contribute to a positive social climate.

Keywords:institutional education, professional centres, residential care, emotional and behavioral disorders, social climate, loneliness

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