
Razvoj upogibnega prednapetega steklenega nosilca : magistrsko delo št.: 315/II. GR
ID Grudnik, Darjan (Author), ID Antolinc, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrskega dela je bil raziskati steklo kot konstrukcijski material, poiskati njegove prednosti in slabosti ter ugotoviti, ali bi steklo v posebnih primerih lahko nadomestilo uporabo drugih, v gradbeništvu običajno uporabljenih konstrukcijskih materialov. Namen je bil izvesti numerično analizo prednapetega steklenega nosilca, skupaj z eksperimentalnim testom, ki pa se je izkazal za finančno in časovno preveč zahtevnega. Z eksperimentalnimi testi sem se tako omejil le na spremljevalne strižne teste vmesnih povezovalnih plasti, natezne teste steklenih vlaken ter tlačne teste steklenih plošč. Celotna magistrska naloga je bila zasnovana tako, da bo možno v potencialnem nadaljevanju te študije s pomočjo pridobljenih rezultatov izdelati stekleni nosilec polne velikosti in ga eksperimentalno testirati. Numerični model je bil izdelan v programskem okolju Abaqus, ki omogoča natančen vpogled v razvoj napetosti po nosilcu. V razvoju modela prednapetega steklenega nosilca sem želel kar se da dobro izkoristiti tlačne lastnostni stekla in natezne lastnosti steklenih vlaken. Pri obravnavi stekla kot konstrukcijskega materiala je bilo potrebno posebno pozornost nameniti lokalnim konicam napetosti. Steklo je namreč krhek material, ki ni sposoben plastičnega deformiranja in zato lahko lokalno doseganje trdnosti materiala pomeni njegovo porušitev. Steklo je material, ki ponuja določene prednosti (kot sta visoka tlačna trdnost ter linearno obnašanje) pred ostalimi materiali, ki se običajno uporabljajo v gradbeništvu. Žal pa ima steklo tudi številne pomanjkljivosti, kot sta krhkost in relativno visoka cena, kar sta tudi glavni omejitvi pri uporabi stekla za konstrukcijske namene v širši gradbeni stroki.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, konstrukcijsko steklo, vmesna povezovalna plast, UV lepilo, EVA folija, prednapet upogibni nosilec, steklena vlakna, numerična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Grudnik]
Number of pages:XII, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154032-9acd93d5-ae38-f57e-71cb-f1fed3d85140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181847043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of prestressed glass beam : master thesis no.: 315/II. GR
The goal of this thesis is to explore glass as a structural material, find its advantages and disadvantages, and to open new possibilities for structural use of glass. The purpose of the thesis was to perform numerical analysis of prestressed glass beam alongside with experimental testing of the beam. Unfortunately, the experimental tests of a full-size beam proved themselves as too expensive and time consuming for the financial and time constraints of this thesis. Therefore, I decided to perform only side experimental tests, where the glass bonding interlayers, glass fibres and compressive tests of glass panels were conducted. The thesis is prepared with the intention to provide preliminary information for further potential researchers who are going to continue the experimental implementation and analysis of the full-scale prestressed glass beam. The prestressed glass beam was numerically modelled and studied with program Abaqus, which offered detailed understanding of stresses and strains development throughout the beam. During the development phase of the numerical modelling, the idea was to find the upper load bearing capacity of the glass beam. When designing with structural glass, special consideration is needed around local stress concentration because of its brittle nature. Glass is a material that offers certain advantages over other conventional construction materials such as high compressive strength and linear behaviour. Unfortunately, glass has several weaknesses such as fragility and cost, which I believe are the important factors which limit the more widespread use of glass as a structural material.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, structural glass, interlayer, UV adhesive, EVA interlayer, prestressed bending beam, glass fibers, numerical analysis

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