
Dialectics of the planetary crisis: climate, class, and capital : magistrsko delo
ID Dagalev, Deni (Author), ID Lukšič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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A multitude of planetary crises have put enormous strain on the reproduction of life on Earth in recent decades. Employment, debt, finance, war, food, energy, climate, biodiversity, health, education – these are but a few acute issues that are shaping and reshaping our ways of being, knowing and doing in twenty-first century everyday life. To comprehend the unfolding of these seemingly disparate crises, the MA thesis looks back at the long and rich history of epoch making class-imperial and geo-managerial projects and regimes of capital accumulation in the successive centuries after 1450. Throughout this thesis, capitalism is viewed not as an economic or social system, but as a world-ecology that merges power, profit and nature in a dialectical unity. Through this approach, I challenge the Cartesian symbolic divide between Society and Nature, which in turn perpetuates the material divide between humans and the rest of nature. As a consequence, Society and Nature are established as two distinctive historical units that develop independently of one another, with the former developing upon, rather than through the latter. This begs the question of whether capitalism and its inner workings of colonialism, imperialism, racial formations, patriarchy, commodification are exclusively social processes with environmental consequences, or whether they are inextricably socio-ecological, at once producers and products of the messy and unruly class struggle in the web of life?

Keywords:capitalism, class, climate, crisis, world-ecology, history
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Dagalev
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (250 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153968 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181729795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Dialektika planetarne krize: podnebje, razred in kapital
Številne planetarne krize so v zadnjih desetletjih močno obremenile reprodukcijo življenja na Zemlji. Zaposlenost, dolg, finance, vojne, hrana, energija, podnebje, biotska raznovrstnost, zdravje, izobraževanje – to je le nekaj perečih vprašanj, ki oblikujejo in preoblikujejo naše načine bivanja, spoznavanja in delovanja v vsakdanjem življenju enaindvajsetega stoletja. Da bi razumeli razplet teh na videz ločenih kriz, se magistrsko delo ozira na dolgo in bogato zgodovino epohalnih razredno-imperialnih in geo-menedžerski projektov ter režimov akumulacije kapitala v zaporednih stoletjih po letu 1450. V celotnem magistrskem delu kapitalizma ne obravnavamo kot ekonomski ali družbeni sistem, temveč kot svetovno-ekologijo, ki združuje moč, profit in naravo v dialektično enotnost. S tem pristopom preizprašujem kartezijansko simbolno razmejitev med Družbo in Naravo, ki po drugi strani perpetuira materialno razmejitev med ljudmi in preostalo naravo. Posledično sta Družba in Narava vzpostavljeni kot dve različni zgodovinski enoti, ki se razvijata neodvisno druga od druge, pri čemer se prva razvija na podlagi druge in ne prek nje. Ob tem se postavlja vprašanje, ali so kapitalizem in njegova notranja delovanja, kot so kolonializem, imperializem, rasne formacije, patriarhat, komodifikacija, izključno družbeni procesi z okoljskimi posledicami ali pa so neločljivo družbeno-ekološki, hkrati proizvajalci in produkti zapletenega in nemirnega razrednega boja v mreži življenja?

Keywords:kapitalizem, razred, podnebje, kriza, svetovna-ekologija, zgodovina

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