
Uporaba različnih geodetskih metod v gozdnem gradbeništvu : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Baškovč, Gregor (Author), ID Potočnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 489EE5B5B178B02965F928251A0A97CB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/384b85e8-9c5b-4985-be95-1fdddc79ab6b

Geodetske metode so danes prisotne v vseh segmentih gradbeništva. Namen nalogeje bilo ugotoviti katera izmed metod, ki so v uporabi danes najbolj primerna za uporabo v gozdnem gradbeništvu. Uporabili smo busolno metodo, tahimetrijo in GPS. Izmere smo izvedli z štirim različnimi inštrumenti; SuuntoTANDEMom, Wildom RDS, Thales Z-MAXom in Garminom V. Za raziskovalni objekt, smo izbrali tri različne lokacije s tremi popolnoma različnimi konfiguracijami terena. Na vsaki lokaciji smo izmerili 550 metrov gozden cestein iz meritev dobili situacijo in podolžni profil za merjeni odsek. Polegnatančnosti, na katero smo se najbolj osredotočili in zahtevnosti za deloz določenim inštrumentom je bil odločilen tudi ekonomski faktor, saj je tavidik zelo pomemben pri gozdnem gradbeništvu. Tako smo dobili rezultate, ki pokažejo kako se inštrumenti obnesejo v različnih okoljih. Iz dobljenih rezultatov je razvidno, da je kljub določenim pomanjkljivostim, kot je slaba natančnost, še vedno najprimernejša busolna metoda, ki je trenutno tudi najbolj razširjena. Wild je uporaben v določenih pogojih, ki lahko nastanejo pri gradnji. Garmin V je dosti premalo natančen in preveč dovzeten za napake za resno uporabo v gradbeništvu. Thales Z-Max pa ni uporaben zaradi slabega sprejema v gozdu in zaradi zelo visoke cene inštrumenta. Vendar pa bo v prihodnosti GPS tehnologija, ki postaja vedno bolj cenovno dostopna in izpopolnjena, postala pomembna tudi v gozdnem gradbeništvu, saj je enostavna za uporabo in odpira nove možnosti in načine za delo.

Keywords:geodetske metode, GPS, Garmin, busola, meritve, gozdno gradbeništvo
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Baškovč]
Number of pages:X, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15396 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1844902 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Nowadays, geodetic methods are used in all segments of civil engineering. The purpose of this thesis was to find out which of the currently used methods is the most appropriate one for use in forest civil engineering. The compass method was used, as well as tachimetry and GPS. The measurements were performed using four different instruments: Suunto TANDEM, Wild RDS, Thales Z-MAX and Garmin V. For the research project, three different locations were selected with three completely different terrain configurations. At each location, 550 meters of a forest road were measured and from these measurements the site plan and the longitudinal profile for the measured road section were obtained. In addition to accuracy, which we focused on most, and the difficulties related to work with a certain instrument, the economic factor was also crucial, as this aspect is very important in forest civil engineering. Results were thus obtained that show how instruments perform in different environments. It can be seen from the collected results that in spite of certain shortcomings such as low accuracy, the most appropriate method is still the compass method, which is currently also the most widespread one. Wild RDS is useful under certain conditions which may develop during construction. Garmin V is much too inaccurate and much too prone to errors to be seriously considered in civil engineering. Thales Z-Max is not useful due to poor reception in forest areas and due to the very high price ofthe instrument. However, in the future, GPS technology which is becoming increasingly more affordable and perfected will also become important in forest civil engineering, as it is simple to use and opens new possibilities and new possible work methods.

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