
Zakonitosti pomlajevanja gozdov sladkornega javora (Acer saccharum Marsch.) in rumene breze (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) v Quebecu, Kanada : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Adamič, Matevž (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7aad8cc1-52f4-4a29-99ab-ee6c9d939066

Kanada je država, ki obsega vso severno polovico Severne Amerike. Kar 46 % kopnega predstavljajo gozdne površine. Quebec je največja kanadska pokrajina znajvečjo stopnjo gozdnatosti. Med pomembnejše listavce omenjene pokrajine sodita rumena breza in sladkorni javor. Areala in ekološke zahteve obeh vrst so si precej podobne. Kljub temu je po gozdovih opaziti precej več sladkornegajavora kot rumene breze. Lastniki gozdov si prizadevajo delež rumene breze v svojih gozdovih povečati, saj je ta komercialno veliko bolj zanimiva. Z nalogo smo želeli proučiti vpliv svetlobnega sevanja na pomlajevanje obeh vrst. Raziskali smo dva objekta na različnih lokacijah, vendar na primerljivih rastiščih. Prvi objekt je gospodarski gozd, drugi pa pragozd - gozd, na katerega človek nima neposrednega vpliva. Na obeh objektih so bile izločene vrzeli. V vrzelih in pod zastorom smo izmerili znake osebkom omenjenih dveh drevesnih vrst. Pridobljene podatke smo s statističnim programom SPSS nato tudi obdelali. Izkazalo se je, da je bilo dosedanje gospodarjenje z gozdom neprimerno. S sistemom zastornih sečenj so gozd preveč enakomerno presvetlili, kar je vodilo v bujno pomlajevanje številčno močnejšega sladkornega javora na račun rumene breze. Hipoteze o tem, da breza potrebuje več svetlobe, nismo potrdili, vendar krivost in relativni prirastek dokazujeta, da je rumena breza nekoliko bolj svetloljubna kot sladkorni javor.Razlog, zakaj v pragozdu nismo odkrili večjih razlik, se skriva v nizkihsvetlobnih vrednostih. V gospodarskem gozdu pa je razlogov več. Predvsemmalo semenskih dreves, močno objedanje in malo velikih lesnih ostankov. Predlagamo, da se v gozdu zagotovi primeren sklep krošenj, nato pa uporablja skupinsko postopno gospodarjenje z oblikovanjem vrzeli manjših od ene drevesne višine.

Keywords:sladkorni javor, Acer saccharum Marsh., rumena breza, Betula alleghaniensis Britt., pragozdovi, gospodarski gozdovi, vrzel, zastor, sistem zastornih sečenj, Kanada, Quebec
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Adamič]
Number of pages:IX, 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15392 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1840806 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Canada is a country, on the northern part of North America. 46% of land is covered by forest. Quebec is the biggest Canadian province with the highest woodiness. In the group of the most important hardwoods of Quebec, we find sugar maple and yellow birch. Areals and ecological needs are almost the same or both species. In spite of that, we can find around the forests much more sugar maples than yellow birches. Forests owners try to increase the percentage of yellow birch, as this tree is commercially much more interesting. This thesis tries to illustrate how the light conditions in such forest type influence regeneration. We studied two objects on different locations, but on the comparable site. First object was a managed forest and the other was a virgin forest (old-growth forest). On both objects, gaps have already been chosen. Diferent parameters were measured in gaps and under canopy for both species. Received data were analysed with statistical program SPSS. Results shows, that management was inappropriate. Shelterwood was not a good silvicultural system. It allowed too much light to enter the forest, which heavily stimulated the growth of sugar maple. Yellow birch successfully competes with sugar maple in the low light condition but slenderness and relative increment prove that yellow birch is less shade tolerant. The reason why we did not find the difference in virgin forest is low light range, the reasons in managed forest are: low number of seed trees, heavily browsing and lack of large old wooden part. Crown closure should be more closed in managed forest. Achieving this, we should practise group selection cutting and form gaps, which are smaller than one tree height.

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