
Zaščita žrtev nasilja po izrečenem ukrepu prepovedi približevanja : magistrsko delo
ID Kokelj, Neža (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem proces zaščite in pomoči žrtvam nasilja po izrečenem ukrepu prepovedi približevanja. V prvem poglavju definiram vrste in oblike nasilja, predstavim delovanje in zakonsko podlago za delo institucij na področju preprečevanja nasilja v družini in opišem ukrep prepovedi približevanja. Sledi metodološki del, v katerem svojo kvalitativno raziskavo opredelim kot evalvacijsko. Z njo ocenjujem proces zaščite in pomoči žrtvam nasilja, vložen napor sodelujočih v procesu, namerne in nenamerne učinke naporov in doseganje ciljev. Osredotočila sem se predvsem na proces zaščite, ki sledi izrečenemu ukrepu prepovedi približevanja, kar pomeni, da me zanima, kako sodelujoči v procesu preprečujejo nasilje, če ukrep žrtvi ne zagotovi varnosti. Z namenom upoštevanja več perspektiv so v raziskovanju sodelovale predstavnice različnih institucij s področja preprečevanja nasilja v družini in žrtve nasilja, ki so bile udeležene v procesu. Raziskovala sem po metodi intervjuja, zato sem podatke analizirala z odprtim in osnim kodiranjem intervjujev. Ugotovila sem, da je ukrep prepovedi približevanja s strani policije pogosto izrečen, a manjkrat podaljšan s strani sodišča, katerega odzivnost je odvisna od posameznega primera. Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo se trudi spodbujati institucije k aktivnemu sodelovanju in jim pomagati pri premagovanju ovir z usposabljanjem zaposlenih, naslavljanjem problema neizrekanja ukrepov ali sankcij za kršitve le-teh in spodbujanjem k sodelovanju v timu. Institucije opozarjajo tudi na težavo neobveščanja o kršitvah ukrepa prepovedi približevanja s strani žrtev, ki se sodelovanju izogibajo predvsem zaradi slabih izkušenj in strahu. Izkaže se, da pomoč raje poiščejo znotraj svoje socialne mreže.

Keywords:evalvacijska raziskava, zaščita žrtev nasilja, zalezovanje, nadlegovanje, ukrep prepovedi približevanja, oblike pomoči
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kokelj]
Number of pages:184 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153485 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201814019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The protection of victims of violence after restraining order implementation
The master’s thesis researches the process of protection and help for victims of violence following the issuance of a restraining order. In the first chapter, I’m defining the types and forms of domestic violence, presenting the operation and legal framework for the work of the institutions in the field of domestic violence prevention, and describing the restraining order measure. This is followed by the methodological part in which I characterize my qualitative research as an evaluative research. I am evaluating the process of protection and help for victims of violence, the efforts made by those involved in the process, the intended and unintended effects of these efforts, and the achievement of goals. I have primarily focused on the protection process that follows the issuance of the restraining order, which means I am interested in how those involved in the process prevent violence if the order does not achieve the goal of victim’s safety. To consider multiple perspectives, representatives from various institutions in the field of domestic violence prevention and victims who have been involved in the process participated in the research. I conducted the research through interviews, and I analysed the data through open and axial coding of the interviews. The results of the research show that restraining orders are often issued by the police but less frequently extended by the courts, depending on the case. The Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo is making efforts to encourage institutions to actively participate. It helps them overcoming barriers through employee training, addressing the issue of non-issuance of restraining orders or sanctions for their violations, and promoting teamwork. Institutions are concerned because the victims often don’t report violations of restraining order, as they often avoid participation due to negative experiences and fear. It turns out that they prefer to seek help within their social networks.

Keywords:evaluation research, protection of victims of violence, stalking, harassment, restraining order, types of support

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