In Slovenia, the cervical cancer screening programme covers women from 20 to 64 years old, who are invited to have a cervical smear every 3 years. The sample is first analysed by cytology. If cell changes are observed, a triage hybridisation test Hybrid Capture 2 High-Risk HPV DNA test (HC2, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and a possible additional genotyping test Anyplex II HPV HR Detection (Seegene, Seoul, Korea) are performed. We evaluated new test Allplex HPV HR (Seegene, Seoul, Korea) with improved detection technology by analysing 330 cervical smear samples and comparing results with reference tests and cytology. The tests were compared by calculations of agreement percentage, Light and the Cohen kappa coefficient. Agreement between all tests was very good (κ=0,69). The agreement between the two reference tests currently in use was good (κ=0,56) and the agreement between HC2 and the new test was also good (κ=0,56), which is expected as the genotyping tests are more analytically sensitive than the HC2 hybridisation test due to the PCR technology. The agreement between two genotyping tests was perfect (κ=0,94). The concordance between the detected genotypes was perfect for all HPV genotypes with kappa coefficient values of 0,83 and above. The new test has more advanced viral load detection technology and gives accurate Ct values compared to the reference genotyping test. High-risk HPV genotypes HPV16, 18, 31 and 33 are in a higher proportion present in the cervical smear samples with high-grade cytology than in samples with no changes and low-grade cytology. As the Allplex HPV HR test is fully comparable to the Anyplex II HPV HR Detection test, it could equally be used as an additional test in triage testing of women with low-grade cytology.