
Vpliv procesnih parametrov na tvorbo lipidnih nanodelcev z vgrajeno zdravilno učinkovino na osnovi siRNK
ID Lukančič, Nina (Author), ID Časar, Zdenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavšič, Miha (Comentor)

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Oligonukleotidi, kot je mala interferenčne RNA (siRNA), so obetavna oblika zdravil za zdravljenje širokega spektra bolezni. Oligonukleotidne zdravilne učinkovine inducirajo terapevtske učinke z modulacijo izražanja genov. Pred dvema desetletjema je bilo odkrito, da s postopkom imenovanim interferenca RNA lahko vnos sintetičnih siRNA v citoplazmo povzroči specifično razgradnjo/nevtralizacijo komplementarne mRNA in s tem zavirano izražanje genov. Zaradi omejene biološke uporabnosti pri sistemski aplikaciji je uporaba siRNA kot terapevtskega sredstva zahtevna. Za učinkovito dostavo siRNA v celice je bilo potrebno razviti izpopolnjeno platformo. Ključnega pomena je bil razvoj dostave siRNA z uporabo lipidnih nanodelcev (LND). Ameriška agencija za hrano in zdravila (FDA) je leta 2018 odobrila klinično uporabo prvega siRNA terapevtika, Onpattro (Patisiran), ki temelji na LND. V magistrskem delu smo z metodo etanolnega injiciranja izdelali LND z vgrajeno dvoverižno zdravilno učinkovino patisiran in ovrednotili vpliv procesnih parametrov na njihove lastnosti. Uporabili smo enake lipidne komponente kot jih uporablja komercialni produkt (Onpattro). Ovrednotili smo vpliv koncentracije patisirana v vodni fazi, koncentracije lipidov v etanolni fazi, hitrost mešanja, hitrost injiciranja, čas injiciranja, pH, temperaturo in ionsko moč na velikost LND, porazdelitev velikosti LND, zeta potencial, koncentracijo prostega patisirana in termične lastnosti LND. Z različnimi tehnikami, kot so dinamično sipanje svetlobe, diferenčna dinamična kalorimetrija, spektroskopija v UV območju in krio-elektronska mikroskopija, smo dokazali, da imajo nekateri procesni parametri statistično značilen vpliv na fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti LND, ki vsebujejo zdravilno učinkovino patisiran. Večina pripravljenih LND je bila v velikostnem območju do 500 nm, homogenih in so imeli zeta potencial v območju ± 30 mV. Temperatura tališča izdelanih LND je bila skoraj enaka kot izmerjena temperatura tališča zdravila Onpattro (Patisiran), kar posredno kaže na primerljivost delcev. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da je na velikost LND vplivala koncentracija patisirana v vodni fazi fazi in koncentracija lipidov v etanolni fazi. Visoka koncentracija patisirana v vodni fazi in velika ionska moč sta vplivali na znižanje koncentracije vgrajenega patisirana. Na višjo entalpijo taljenja LND je vplivala večja ionska moč. Razumevanje, kateri procesni parametri vplivajo na lastnosti LND je ključno za zagotovitev ponovljivosti in robustnosti procesa njihove priprave. Dostava oligonukleotidnih zdravilnih učinkovin s pomočjo tehnologije LND omogoča širok potencial te tehnologije v najrazličnejših prihodnjih aplikacijah.

Keywords:mala interferenčna RNA, lipidni nanodelci, procesni parametri, fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti lipidnih nanodelcev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153305 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178525443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of process parameters on formation of lipid nanoparticles with encapsulated siRNA based active pharmaceutical ingredient
Oligonucleotides, such as small interfering RNA (siRNA), are promising form of drugs for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Oligonucleotides based active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) induce therapeutic effects by modulation of gene expression. Two decades ago, it was demonstrated that intoduction of a synthetic siRNA into the cytoplasm of the cell results in specific degradation/neutralization of complementary mRNA. This leads in to suppressed gene expression through a process called RNA interference (RNAi). However, the use of siRNA as API is challenging due to its limited bioavailability via systemic administration. In order to efficiently deliver siRNA into cells, it was necessary to develop a sophisticated platform. In 2018 U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first siRNA therapeutic, Onpattro (Patisiran), based on LNP. In master's thesis, we prepared LNPs with encapsulated siRNA, Patisiran. LNPs were prepared according to design of experiments principle with ethanol injection method. We used the same lipid components as the commercial product (Onpattro). The aim of our study was to examine the impact of process parameters on the formation of LNPs with encapsulaed Patisiran. We studied the effect of Patisiran concentration in the aqueous phase, lipid concentration in the ethanol phase, mixing speed, injection speed, injection time, pH, temperature and ionic strength on LNP size, LNP size distribution, zeta potential, concentration of non-encapsulated patisiran and thermal stability of LNP. The majority of the prepared LNPs were within the size range of up to 500 nm, homogeneous and had a zeta potential within the range of ± 30 mV. The melting temperature of the produced LNPs was nearly identical measured melting temperature of the drug Onpattro (Patisiran), indirectly indicating the comparability of the particles. We have demonstarated, by using different techniques, such as dynamic light scattering, differential dynamic calorimetry, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy, that some process parameters have a sagnificant statistic impact on the properties of LNPs with encapsulated siRNA. Our results showed that the concentration of Patisiran and the concentration of lipids in the ethanol phase affect the average size of LNPs. Higher concentration of the siRNA and higher ion strength lowered the concentration encapsulated Patisiran. Furthermore, higher ion strength increased the thermal enthalpy of LNPs. Understanding which process parameters affect the physico-chemical properties of LNP is crucial to ensure the reproducibility and robustness of their preparation process. The delivery of oligonucleotide therapeutics based on LNP technology enables the wider potential of this technology in a wide variety of future applications.

Keywords:small interfering RNA, lipid nanoparticles, process parameters, physico- chemical properties of lipid nanoparticles

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