
Novinarstvo od doma: spremembe novinarskega delovnega procesa z epidemijo covid-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Stopar, Nastja (Author), ID Vobič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pandemija covid-19 je v začetku leta 2020 izrazito vplivala na naravo novinarskega dela – številne vlade, tudi slovenska, so, da bi omejile prenašanje virusa med prebivalstvom, pozivale k delu od doma. Tako so bili tudi številni novinarji primorani delovni proces hitro prilagoditi razmeram in začeti delati od doma. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kako se je med epidemijo spremenil novinarski delovni proces, kako so novinarji delovali v virtualnem uredništvu in kaj je to pomenilo za njihovo iskanje ravnovesja med zasebnim in poklicnim življenjem. Na primeru uveljavljene časopisne hiše Delo smo izvedli kvalitativno raziskavo, v okviru katere smo odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja poiskali s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji. Ugotovili smo, da delovni proces z delom od doma ni oviran, tehnološka podlaga zanj pa je že bila pripravljena. Delovni proces se z delom od doma ni bistveno spremenil, novinarji novico napišejo na primerljiv način, kot to storijo v uredništvu. Novost, ki se je pojavila z epidemijo, so – za novinarje dobrodošle – interaktivne novinarske konference. Ugotovili smo, da novinarji kot osnovno novinarsko okolje vidijo tradicionalno uredništvo. Navajajo, da tam prihaja do novih idej in občutka uredništva. Raziskava je pokazala, da virtualno uredništvo Dela ni razvito do mere, da bi omogočalo hkratno komunikacijo vseh članov. Družbena dinamika, pridobljena v tradicionalnem uredništvu, se je sicer prenesla v virtualno okolje. Ugotovili smo, da se je spremenila percepcija novinarjev in vodilnih, delo od doma je postalo sprejemljivo in dobrodošlo, pozitivno se odraža v samoiniciativnosti novinarjev in usklajevanju zasebnega in poklicnega življenja.

Keywords:novinarstvo od doma, pandemija covid-19, procesi dela, virtualno uredništvo, meje med zasebnim in službenim
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Stopar
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (122 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153170 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181116931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.12.2023
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Title:Journalism from home: changes in the journalistic workflow and the covid-19 epidemic
The covid-19 pandemic starting in 2020 has had a profound impact on the nature of journalistic work – many governments, including Slovenia's, have called for working from home to limit the transmission of the virus among the population. Consequently, many journalists had to quickly adapt their workflow to the situation and start working from home. In this master's thesis, we explored how journalists' work processes changed during the epidemic, how journalists worked in a virtual newsroom and what this meant for their work-life balance. We conducted a qualitative study using the case of the established newspaper Delo, in which we sought answers to the research questions through semi-structured interviews. We found that the working process is not hindered by working from home and that the technological basis for it was already in place. The work process has not changed significantly with working from home; journalists write the news in comparable ways as they did in the newsrooom. A new feature that has emerged with the epidemic are – welcome for journalists – interactive press conferences. We have found that journalists see the traditional newsroom as the primary journalistic environment. They state that new ideas and a sense of being in a newsroom comes from there. The survey showed that the virtual newsroom of Delo is not developed to the extent that allows simultaneous communication of all members, although the social dynamics acquired in the traditional newsroom have been transferred to the virtual environment. We also found that the perception of journalists and managers has changed; working from home has become acceptable and welcome and is reflected positively in the self-initiative of journalists and the work-life balance.

Keywords:journalism from home, covid-19 pandemic, work processes, virtual newsroom, boundaries between private and work

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