
Posebni načini glasovanja v Sloveniji
ID Podakar, Nika (Author), ID Zagorc, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Volivci svojo aktivno volilno pravico po navadi uresničujejo z oddajo glasu na tradicionalnem volišču na dan glasovanja. Vendar so v zadnjih letih tako v svetu kot v Sloveniji v porastu tudi druge oblike glasovanja, imenujemo jih posebni načini glasovanja. Slovenski zakonodajni okvir poleg glasovanja na tradicionalnem volišču omogoča še glasovanje po pošti, glasovanje iz tujine po pošti, glasovanje na diplomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu, predčasno glasovanje, glasovanje na domu in glasovanje na volišču OMNIA. Nekateri izmed teh načinov so na voljo vsem volivcem, drugi zgolj določenim kategorijam volivcev. Invalidi predstavljajo kategorijo, ki ima na voljo še posebej raznolike možnosti oddaje glasu – glasovanje na volišču, glasovanje po pošti in glasovanje na domu. Zagovorniki uvedbe dostopnejših oblik glasovanja po pošti pogosto navajajo, da bo uvedba takšnega načina glasovanja pripomogla k zvišanju volilne udeležbe, hkrati pa znižala stroške izvedbe volitev. Analize te trditve ne potrjujejo. Uvedba dostopnejših oblik glasovanja po pošti dolgoročno ne prispeva bistveno k zvišanju volilne udeležbe, pač pa nanjo vplivata predvsem konkurenčnost volitev in stopnja mobilizacije volilnih upravičencev. Uvedba posebnih načinov glasovanja prinaša tudi nevarnosti za poštenost volilnega postopka. Še posebej ogroženi sta načeli svobodne volilne pravice in tajnosti glasovanja. Prav zato mora zakonodajalec zagotoviti ustrezne mehanizme varstva pred kršitvami volilnih načel ter volilnimi goljufijami.

Keywords:volitve, volilna načela, posebni načini glasovanja, glasovanje po pošti, predčasno glasovanje, glasovanje iz tujine, glasovanje na domu, volišče OMNIA, glasovanje na diplomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu, glasovanje invalidov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:180720387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2023
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Title:Special Voting Methods in Slovenia
Voters usually exercise their right to vote by casting their vote at a traditional polling station on a voting day. However, in recent years, both in the world and in Slovenia, other methods of voting have also been on the rise, that being special voting methods. In addition to voting at a traditional polling station, the Slovenian legislative framework also allows for voting by mail, voting from abroad by mail, voting at an embassy or consulate, mobile voting and voting at an OMNIA polling station. Some of these methods are available to all voters, while others are only available to certain categories of voters. People with a disability present a category that has a particularly wide range of options for casting their vote - voting at the polling station, voting by mail and mobile voting. Proponents of the introduction of more accessible forms of voting by mail often state that the introduction of such a method of voting will help increasing voter turnout and at the same time reduce the costs of conducting elections. However, analysis do not support this claim. The introduction of more accessible forms of voting by mail does not significantly contribute to an increase in voter turnout in the long run. The latter is mainly influenced by the competitiveness of elections and the degree of mobilization of eligible voters. The introduction of special voting methods also brings dangers to the fairness of the electoral process. The principle of free suffrage and the secrecy of voting are particularly at risk. This is precisely why the legislator must provide adequate protection mechanisms against violations of electoral principles and electoral fraud.

Keywords:elections, electoral principles, special voting methods, voting by post, early voting, voting from abroad, mobile voting, OMNIA voting, voting at an embassy or consulate, voting for the disabled persons

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