
Turizem za vas – kreativnost za nas!Idejna zasnova revitalizacije nekdanje tovarne Salvetti v Piranu
ID Šimičić, Kaja (Author), ID Gregorski, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi opozarjam na problematiko pomanjkanja raznolikih poslovnih prostorov za mlade v občini Piran. Kljub pestri ponudbi kulturnih, kreativnih in izobraževalnih dogodkov se občina že leta sooča z negativnim selitvenim prirastom. Razlogov za to je več, vsekakor pa ni zanemarljiv vpliv masovnega turizma. Dominanca turistične panoge je privedla do izrazitega porasta apartmajske dejavnosti in pomanjkanja ustreznih poslovnih prostorov. Mladi so tako postavljeni pred očitno izbiro – turizem ali nič. Mladi z željo po delu v kulturni in kreativni industriji posledično zapuščajo domač kraj in priložnosti iščejo drugod. Tovarniški kompleks na Fornačah v Piranu je prvovrsten prostor za razvoj kulturno kreativnega sektorja (KKS). Preteklost objekta je dokaj pestra, najbolj prepoznavni pa sta obdobji tovarne stekla in mila Salvetti ter filmskih studiev Viba filma. Izredno uspešna leta slovenskega filma potrjujejo, da je tako makro kot mikrolokacija primerna za nadaljnji razvoj kulturno kreativnega sektorja. V nalogi načrtujem revitalizacijo degradiranega območja Fornač v Piranu, s katero bi zagotovila potrebne poslovne prostore za posameznike ali skupine ljudi, ki spadajo v kulturno kreativni sektor. Prostor z intervencijo postane programsko in ambientalno kakovosten in tako oživi degradirano okolje. Domačinom in širši okolici hkrati omogoči nova delovna mesta kar je prvi korak k razvoju raznolike in dolgožive družbe.

Keywords:Piran, arhitektura, degradirano območje, industrijska dediščina, revitalizacija industrijskega območja, kulturno kreativni sektor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153079 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:180192003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Tourism for you – creativity for us!Conceptual design of the revitalisation of the former Salvetti factory in Piran
In my master’s thesis, I highlight the issue of the lack of diverse business spaces for young people in the Municipality of Piran. Despite a wide range of cultural, creative, and educational events, the municipality has been facing negative population growth for years. There are several reasons for this, but the significant impact of mass tourism cannot be ignored. The dominance of the tourism industry has led to a pronounced increase in apartment rentals and, consequently, a shortage of suitable business spaces. Young people are thus faced with an apparent choice – tourism or nothing. Young individuals aspiring to work in the cultural and creative sector are consequently leaving their hometown and seeking opportunities elsewhere. The industrial complex in Fornače Piran, is an excellent space for the development of the cultural and creative sector (CCS). The history of the facility is quite diverse, with the most recognizable periods being the glass and soap factory Salvetti and the Viba film studios. The highly successful years of Slovenian cinema confirm that both the macro and micro-location are extremely suitable for the further development of the cultural and creative sector. In my thesis, I plan the revitalization of the degraded Fornače area in Piran, which would provide the necessary business spaces for individuals or groups belonging to the cultural and creative sector. Through intervention, the space becomes programmatically and environmentally high-quality, thus revitalizing the degraded environment. This, in turn, provides local residents and the broader community with new job opportunities, which is the first step toward the development of a diverse and sustainable society.

Keywords:Piran, architecture, degraded area, industrial heritage, revitalisation of industrial area, cultural and creative sector

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