
Povezava travme zaradi izdaje s simptomi travmatskega stresa, fizičnimi simptomi in aleksitimijo pri mladih odraslih : magistrsko delo
ID Levstek, Anamarija (Author), ID Cvetek, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati, ali je stopnja izpostavljenosti travmi (z visoko, srednjo in nizko stopnjo izdaje) povezana s simptomi travmatskega stresa, fizičnimi simptomi in aleksitimijo pri mladih odraslih. Raziskavo smo izvedli na vzorcu 188 udeležencev (38,3 % moških, 61,2 % žensk in 0,5 % binarnih oseb). Udeleženci so izpolnili štiri merske vprašalnike: Kratek vprašalnik o travmi zaradi izdaje, Kontrolni seznam travmatskih simptomov – 40, Perthov vprašalnik o aleksitimiji in Vprašalnik o klientovem zdravju – fizični simptomi. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov so bile opravljene korelacijske analize. Zaradi manjše reprezentativnosti vzorca je lahko posploševanje vprašljivo, vendar smo vseeno ugotovili, da med stopnjo izpostavitve travmi z visoko, srednjo in nizko stopnjo izdaje in splošno stopnjo aleksitimije pri mladih odraslih ni statistično pomembne povezanosti. Obstajata pa majhna povezanost med stopnjo izpostavitve travmi z visoko stopnjo izdaje (sig < 0,05) in težavami pri splošnem ocenjevanju lastnih pozitivnih in negativnih čustev pri mladih odraslih ter majhna povezanost med stopnjo izpostavitve travmi s srednjo stopnjo izdaje, težavami pri splošnem ocenjevanju lastnih pozitivnih in negativnih čustev in splošnimi težavami pri ocenjevanju čustev (sig. < 0,05). Rezultati kažejo tudi, da obstaja povezanost med stopnjo izpostavitve travmi z visoko, srednjo in nizko stopnjo izdaje ter prisotnostjo fizičnih simptomov pri mladih odraslih. Korelacija je pri stopnji izpostavitve visoki in srednji stopnji izdaje dosegala korelacijo 0,322 in 0,403 na nivoju 1-% tveganja, pri stopnji izpostavitve travmi z nizko stopnjo izdaje pa 0,166 na nivoju 5-% tveganja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da obstaja povezava med izpostavitvijo travmi z visoko, srednjo in nizko stopnjo izdaje ter simptomi travmatskega stresa, pod katere spadajo disociacija, anksioznost, indeks spolne zlorabe, motnje spanja, težave s spolnostjo in depresija. Raziskava je prav tako pokazala, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma pri stopnji izpostavitve travmi z visoko stopnjo izdaje, kar pomeni, da so ženske pogosteje izpostavljene travmatičnim dogodkom z visoko stopnjo izdaje. Rezultati potrjujejo, da je travma zaradi izdaje povezana s psihološkim in fizičnim blagostanjem ter da se nekatere značilnosti aleksitimije vseeno pojavljajo v življenjih posameznikov. V prihodnje bi bilo zanimivo naprej raziskovati, kako doživljanje čustev oziroma njihovo uravnavanje vpliva na človekovo dojemanje sebe in stresnih ali travmatičnih situacij.

Keywords:travma zaradi izdaje, travmatični dogodki, aleksitimija, simptomi, čustva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Levstek]
Number of pages:VII, 72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153048 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178566659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The association of betrayal trauma with traumatic stress symptoms, physical symptoms and alexithymia in young adults
The aim of this master thesis was to investigate whether cessation of (high, medium, and low) exposure to trauma is associated with traumatic stress symptoms, physical symptoms, and alexithymia in young adults. The survey was conducted on a sample of 188 participants (38.3% men, 61.2% women and 0.5% binary people). Participants completed 4 measurement questionnaires: Brief Betrayal Trauma Questionnaire, Trauma Symptom Checklist-40, Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire, and Client Health Questionnaire-Physical Symptoms. Correlation analyzes were performed on the basis of the obtained results. Due to the lower representativeness of the sample, generalization may be questionable. Findings indicated that there isn’t a statistically significant correlation between trauma with high, medium, and low betrayal levels and general levels of alexithymia in young adults. However, there is a small association between exposure to trauma with a high level of betrayal (sig < 0.05) for difficulties in general evaluation of recent positive and negative emotions in young adults, and a small association between exposure to medium betrayal trauma and, difficulties in general evaluation of recent positive and negative emotions and general difficulties in evaluating emotions (sig. < 0.05). The results also show that there is an association between the trauma exposure score with high, medium and low betrayal scores and the presence of physical symptoms in young adults. The correlation reached a correlation of 0.322 and 0.403 at the 1% risk level for the high and medium betrayal exposure levels, and 0.166 at the 5% risk level for the low betrayal trauma exposure level. We also found that there was an association between exposure to high-, medium-, and low-betrayal trauma and symptoms of traumatic stress, including dissociation, anxiety, sexual abuse index, sleep disturbances, sexual problems, and depression. The research also found that there were statistically significant gender differences in the rate of exposure to high betrayal traumatic events, meaning that women are more likely to be exposed to high betrayal traumatic events. The results confirm that betrayal trauma is associated with psychological and physical well-being, and that some features of alexithymia nevertheless occur in individuals' lives. In the future, it would be interesting to further investigate how the experience of emotions or their regulation affects a person's self-perception in stressful or traumatic situations.

Keywords:betrayal trauma, traumatic events, alexithymia, symptoms, emotions

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