
Zobna protetika pri otrocih : diplomsko delo
ID Jauk, Taja (Author), ID Rojko, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Otroška zobna protetika je relativno mlad trend v zobozdravstvu. V preteklosti je celo veljalo, da zobna protetika na mlečnih zobeh ni primerna, saj naj bi upočasnila razvoj čeljusti. Kasneje so ugotovili, da to vodi v večje težave, tako je postala protetika mlečnih zob kar nuja, saj zelo pozitivno vpliva na celoten stomatognatni sistem otrok. Pomembno je, da se celotno zdravljenje intenzivno spremlja in sproti popravlja ali menjuje tekom rasti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati in predstaviti obstoječo literaturo glede zobne protetike pri mlajši generaciji ter poudariti pomembnost pravilne ter pravočasne oskrbe. Preučiti otroške zobne nadomestke in merila ustreznosti za zdravljenje. Vključiti primer protetične oskrbe otroka in na podlagi primera izdelati dva zobna nadomestka. Oba bosta izdelana po ustreznih merilih, ki jih mora otroški zobni nadomestek izpolnjevati. Prvi bo imel funkcijo fiksne nadomestitve zob, drugi pa snemne, zato ju bomo na koncu lahko primerjali in povzeli prednosti ali slabosti vsakega. Metode dela: V uvodnem delu diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo, na podlagi preučevanja obstoječe literature in strokovnih člankov. Pridobili smo jih iz strokovnih baz PubMed, Google učenjak in drugih spletnih virov. V praktičnem delu pa smo pod strokovnim nadzorom mentorja v zobnem laboratoriju izdelali fiksni in snemni nadomestek. Rezultati: V okviru diplomskega dela smo izdelali fiksni in snemni zobni nadomestek za rehabilitacijo enakega stomatognatnega stanja. Pri izdelavi fiksnega nadomestka smo se navezovali na strokovni članek, v katerem je opisan primer rehabilitacije 5-letnega otroka z ektodermalno dispalazijo. Nato pa smo za enako stanje izdelali še snemni nadomestek, da smo lahko primerjali prednosti in slabosti vsakega. Razprava in zaključek: Glavna razlika med odraslimi in otroki je rast, kar pomeni, da morajo biti vsi zobni nadomestki oblikovani in izdelani tako, da ne zavirajo rasti in razvoja stomatognatnega sistema otrok. Redni pregledi med zdravljenjem so obvezni, saj se nadomestki po določenem času menjajo. Po vseh zahtevah, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati otroški zobni nadomestki, smo izdelali fiksni aparat in opornico iz folije za globoki vlek, s katerima smo nadomestili manjkajoče zobe. Navedli smo razlike med njima in poudarili pomembnost, da se pacientu predstavijo vse možne opcije za rehabilitacijo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, otroška zobna protetika, otroško zobozdravstvo, otroci, fiksna proteza, rast, razvoj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Jauk]
Number of pages:40 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153035 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177586947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Dental prosthetics in children : diploma work
Introduction: Pediatric dental prosthetics represent a relatively recent trend in dentistry. In the past, it was even believed that dental prosthetics on primary teeth were not suitable, as they were thought to impede jaw development. However, it was later discovered that this led to more significant issues, making dental prosthetics for primary teeth a necessity, as they have a highly positive impact on the overall stomatognathic system of children. It is crucial to intensively monitor the entire treatment and make ongoing adjustments or replacements during growth. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and present existing literature regarding dental prosthetics in the younger generation, emphasizing the importance of proper and timely care. To examine pediatric dental replacements and criteria for suitability in treatment. To include a case of pediatric prosthetic treatment and, based on that case, create two dental replacements. Both will be fabricated according to the appropriate criteria that pediatric dental replacements must meet. The first will serve as a fixed tooth replacement, while the second will be removable, allowing for a comparison and summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Methods: For the theoretical part of the thesis, we used the descriptive method, based on the study of existing literature and professional articles. These sources were obtained from professional databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and other online resources. In the practical part, under the expert supervision of a mentor in a dental laboratory, we fabricated a fixed and a removable dental replacement. Results: Within the scope of this thesis, we fabricated a fixed and a removable dental replacement for the rehabilitation of an identical stomatognathic condition. In the fabrication of the fixed replacement, we referenced a professional article describing a case of rehabilitation of a 5-year-old child with ectodermal dysplasia. Subsequently, we crafted a removable replacement for the same condition to enable a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Discussion and conclusion: The primary difference between adults and children lies in their growth, which underscores the importance of designing and fabricating all dental replacements in a manner that does not hinder the growth and development of the stomatognathic system in children. Regular check-ups during treatment are mandatory, as dental replacements typically need to be replaced after a certain period. Adhering to the requirements that pediatric dental replacements must fulfil, we fabricated a fixed appliance and a foil-based removable retainer for the replacement of missing teeth. We highlighted the distinctions between these solutions and emphasized the significance of presenting all possible rehabilitation options to the patient.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, children's dental prosthetics, pediatric dentistry, children, fixed prosthesis, growth, development

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