
Prepletanje funkcionalnega in psihoterapevtskega vidika v glasbeni terapiji z osebami s težkimi motnjami v razvoju : doktorska disertacija
ID Knabe, Claudia (Author), ID Habe, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Doktorska disertacija z naslovom Prepletanje funkcionalnega in psihoterapevtskega vidika v glasbeni terapiji z osebami s težkimi motnjami v razvoju obravnava glasbeno terapijo otrok, mladostnikov in odraslih s težkimi motnjami v razvoju (v nadaljevanju TMvR) kot eno ključnih disciplin za iskanje rešitev, ki bi pripomogla k zadovoljevanju njihovih potreb na različnih področjih njihovega funkcioniranja. Ob predpostavki, da kompleksne motnje zahtevajo kompleksne obravnave, raziskujemo psihoterapevtske in funkcionalne pristope ter njihovo medsebojno prepletenost v glasbeni terapiji z osebami s TMvR. Cilj raziskave je bil pridobiti sliko o aktualni mednarodni praksi glasbene terapije z osebami s TMvR ter raziskati možnosti in izzive, ki jih vidijo strokovnjaki na izpostavljenem področju. V ta namen smo po temeljitem branju obstoječe tuje in slovenske literature izvedli tri raziskave. Prva je kvantitativna študija, kjer so glasbeni terapevti reševali mednarodni vprašalnik o terapevtskem delu z osebami s TMvR, o uporabi psihoterapevtskih in funkcionalnih pristopov v praksi ter njihovem sodelovanju v interdisciplinarnem timu. Druga, kvalitativna raziskava je s pomočjo skupinske razprave preučevala problematiko z vidika mednarodnih strokovnjakov glasbene terapije z osebami s TMvR. Tretja raziskava pa je dopolnila pogled glasbenih terapevtov s pogledi drugih strokovnih profilov, vključenih v obravnavo oseb s TMvR. Kvalitativna analiza zapisov različnih strokovnjakov o prizorih glasbene terapije razkriva podobnosti in razlike v njihovi razlagi izbranih odlomkov z videoposnetkov glasbene terapije. Doktorska disertacija ima pomemben znanstveni in aplikativni prispevek; izvedena raziskava je ena izmed redkih, ki obravnava populacijo s TMvR, ponudi vpogled v pomen integracije psihoterapevtskih in funkcionalnih pristopov glasbene terapije in pri tem izhaja iz aktualnih nevroznanstvenih spoznanj. Aplikativni prispevek je viden v tem, da je doktorska naloga prva v Sloveniji s področja glasbene terapije. Tudi na mednarodni ravni je ta specifična tematika raziskana prvič.

Keywords:glasbena terapija, težke motnje v razvoju, funkcionalni pristop, psihoterapevtski pristop, skupinska diskusija, mednarodne raziskave, interdisciplinarno sodelovanje, doktorske disertacije
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:C. Knabe
Number of pages:XVI, 311, 17 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153012 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177334787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Intertwining of functional and psychotherapeutic orientation in music with people with severe disabilities
This doctoral thesis, entitled Intertwining of Functional and Psychotherapeutic Orientation in Music Therapy with People with Severe Disabilities(hereinafter SDD), addresses music therapy for children, adolescents and adults with SDD as a key discipline in meeting their needs in various functional areas. Assuming that complex disorders require complex treatments, we explore psychotherapeutic and functional approaches and their interplay in music therapy with individuals with SDD. The aim was to gain an overview of current international practice in music therapy with individuals with SDD and to explore the opportunities and challenges seen by professionals in the field. After examining the existing foreign and Slovenian literature, three studies were performed. The first was a quantitative study where music therapists answered an international questionnaire about therapeutic work with individuals with SDD, the use of psychotherapeutic and functional approaches in practice, and their participation in an interdisciplinary team. The second, qualitative study explored the issue from the perspective of international experts in music therapy with individuals with SDD using a focus group discussion. The third study complemented the perspective of music therapists with the perspectives of other professionals involved in the treatment of individuals with SDD. Qualitative analysis of different professionals’ descriptions of music therapy scenes reveals similarities and differences in their interpretation of selected excerpts from videorecorded music therapy sessions. The doctoral thesis makes an important scientific and applied contribution, representing one of the few studies to address individuals with SDD. Drawing on current neuroscientific knowledge, it offers insights into the importance of integrating psychotherapeutic and functional approaches to music therapy. This is the first Slovenian doctoral thesis in the field of music therapy, attesting to its practical contribution to the field. It is also the first time that this specific topic has been researched internationally.

Keywords:music therapy, severe multiple disabilities, functional approach, psychotherapeutic approach, focus group discussion, international research, interdisciplinary teamwork, doctoral dissertations

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