
Vpliv novih digitalnih orodij na novinarske rutine: študija primera Instagram na Valu 202 : magistrsko delo
ID Andrinek, Gašper (Author), ID Vobič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga raziskuje, kako so se s pojavom internetnih družbenih omrežij in njihovim vključevanjem v novinarsko delo spremenile rutine v novinarskih uredništvih. Osredotoča se na primer Instagrama na II. programu Radia Slovenija – Valu 202. Avtor skozi epistemološki pogled proučuje novinarske rutine, za kar mu kot podlaga služi model tipizacije Gaye Tuchman. Skozi novejše študije proučuje razmerje novinarskih rutin in internetnih družbenih omrežij. Študije primera se loteva skozi opazovanje z udeležbo ter s poglobljenimi intervjuji in tako prepoznava spremembe novinarskih rutin v Dnevno-aktualnem uredništvu Vala 202 v povezavi z internetnimi družbenimi omrežji. Ob tem raziskava ponuja dognanja, da tipizacija na primeru Vala 202 v večji meri sloni na nerutinskih modelih, obenem pa sama organiziranost dela vseeno kaže znake rutinskih vzorcev. Medtem Instagram kot internetno družbeno omrežje ne zavzema posebnega mesta ter ni ključen dejavnik sprememb novinarskih rutin. Magistrsko delo ugotavlja, da internetna družbena omrežja niso postala dejavnik, ki prinaša jasen in enoznačen vpliv na uveljavljene novinarske rutine, temveč gre za vzajemen odnos, pri čemer si v uredništvu težko predstavljajo novinarski delovni proces brez njih.

Keywords:novinarske rutine, internetna družbena omrežja, tipizacija, Instagram, Val 202
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:G. Andrinek
Number of pages:107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152946 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177886723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2023
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Title:The impact of new digital tools on journalistic routines: a case study of Instagram at Val 202
This master's thesis explores how the emergence of social media and their integration into journalistic work has changed the routines in newsrooms. It focuses on the example of Instagram at the II. programme of Radia Slovenia – Val 202. The author examines journalistic routines through an epistemological perspective, using Gaye Tuchman's typification model as a basic foundation. Through recent studies, the relationship between journalistic routines and social media is investigated. The case study is conducted through participant observation and in-depth interviews, identifying changes in journalistic routines in the newsroom of Val 202 in relation to social media. The research suggests that typification, in the case of Val 202, relies more on non-routine models, while the organization of work still exhibits signs of routine patterns. Meanwhile, Instagram as a social media does not hold a special place and is not a key factor in changing journalistic routines. The master's thesis concludes that social media have not become a factor that brings a clear and unambiguous impact on established journalistic routines, but rather represents a mutual relationship, and it's challenging to envision the journalistic workflow in the editorial office without them.

Keywords:journalistic routines, internet social networks, typification, Instagram, Val 202

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