
Uporaba svetovnega spleta med učenci prilagojenega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom : magistrsko delo
ID Kolenko, Ana (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kavkler, Marija (Comentor)

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Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT) in internetne storitve so del življenja v sodobni družbi. Omogočajo zadovoljevanje potreb na različnih področjih življenja. Hkrati pa ima lahko neustrezna uporaba IKT negativne posledice na posameznikovo življenje. Za polno vključevanje v družbo so pomembne razvite digitalne kompetence. Čeprav se otroci in mladostniki rodijo v družbo, v kateri je uporaba IKT del življenja, potrebujejo podporo in vodenje pri razvijanju digitalnih kompetenc. To velja tako za otroke in mladostnike brez posebnih potreb kot tiste z njimi. V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na uporabo IKT, internetnih storitev in družbenih omrežij med učenci iz prilagojenega izobraževalnega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom (PP NIS). Za učence iz PP NIS je značilno, da zaradi svojih posebnih potreb potrebujejo individualizirani pristop ter prilagoditve pri usvajanju znanja in veščin. Pregled literature je pokazal, da so v tujini narejene številne raziskave na področju uporabe IKT in internetnih storitev, ki se osredotočajo na osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR). Odločili smo se, da področje uporabe IKT in internetnih storitev raziščemo na vzorcu učencev iz PP NIS od 4. do 9. razreda. Za namene raziskave smo oblikovali anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo preverjali uporabo IKT, internetnih storitev in izkušnje šolanja na daljavo v času epidemije covida-19. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s statističnim programom SPSS. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 127 učencev iz PP NIS iz petih osnovnih šol. Rezultati so pokazali, da se učenci iz PP NIS pri uporabi IKT in internetnih storitev ne razlikujejo od učencev iz rednega programa osnovne šole. Najpogosteje uporabljajo pametni telefon. Z uporabo IKT najpogosteje poslušajo glasbo, gledajo videovsebine, igrajo igre in se pogovarjajo. IKT večinoma uporabljajo za zabavo in komunikacijo, v manjši meri za druge namene. Učenci iz PP NIS najpogosteje uporabljajo družbeno omrežje YouTube. Poleg navedenega jih več kot polovica učencev uporablja družbena omrežja Viber, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook in Messenger. Na družbenih omrežjih najpogosteje igrajo igre. Manj kot 70 % učencev iz PP NIS pozna posamezne varnostne ukrepe na družbenih omrežjih. Med učenci se pojavljajo nekatere razlike glede na starost, spol in okolje bivanja. Analiza vprašanj o šolanju na daljavo je pokazala, da so učenci iz PP NIS za šolanje na daljavo večinoma uporabljali računalnik in pametni telefon. Dobri dve petini učencev sta se srečevali s težavami zaradi slabe internetne povezave. Slaba tretjina učencev si je računalnik delila z drugimi družinskimi člani. Štiri petine učencev je potrebovalo neke vrste pomoči med šolanjem na daljavo, od tega jih 7 % pomoči ni dobilo. Učencem so najpogosteje pomagali starši ali skrbniki. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov smo oblikovali predloge smernic za ozaveščanje učencev iz PP NIS o varni in odgovorni rabi IKT in internetnih storitev. Naša raziskava je prinesla vpogled v uporabo IKT in internetnih storitev med učenci iz PP NIS v Sloveniji. Rezultati so lahko v pomoč strokovnim delavcem in staršem/skrbnikom pri razvijanju znanj in digitalnih kompetenc učencev iz PP NIS.

Keywords:lažje motnje v duševnem razvoju (LMDR), prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom (PP NIS), informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), svetovni splet, internetne storitve, družbena omrežja, varna raba spleta, šolanje na daljavo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Kolenko
Number of pages:84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152879 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-152879 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177069059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Internet Use by Students in an Adapted Programme with Lower Educational Standards
Information-communication technology (ICT) and internet services are part of our lives in today's society. We can satisfy a range of our needs with the use of ICT and internet services. But on the other hand, improper use of ICT can negatively impact an individual's life. Developed digital competencies are important for full participation in today's society. Even though children and adolescents are born in an age, where ICT is a part of life, they still need support and teaching in developing digital competencies. This is true for neurotypically developed children and adolescents as well as those with special needs. In this master thesis, we focus on the use of ICT and internet services by students in the adapted programme with lower educational standards (AP LES). Students of AP LES need individualized approaches and adjustments when acquiring knowledge and skills. Literature review showed us that there are a lot of foreign studies that focus on the use of ICT and internet services by people with intellectual disabilities (ID). We decided to focus on the use of ICT and internet services by students of AP LES from 4th to 9th grade. For this purpose, we developed a questionnaire that focuses on the use of ICT, internet services and experiences of remote schooling during the covid-19 epidemic. The results were analysed with the use of SPSS. There were 127 research participants from five different schools. Results show that the use of ICT and internet services by students of AP LES don't differ from the use by their neurotypical peers. Smartphones are ICT that they most commonly use. They listen to music, watch videos, play games and communicate with others. Most often they use ICT for fun and communication, less often for other purposes. Youtube is a social network that they most often use. More than half of the students of AP LES use social networks Viber, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Messenger. Most often they play games on social networks. Less than 70% of students of AP LES know specific safety measures on social networks. The most known safety measure is blocking a person and the least known is changing post visibility. There were some differences between students when analysing their age, gender and living environment. Analysis of remote schooling during the epidemics shows that students of AP LES most commonly used computers and smartphones for schooling. Two-fifths of students had issues with a bad internet connection. One-third of students shared a computer with other family members. Four-fifths of students needed some kind of help with schoolwork and 7% of them didn't get it. Most often they got help from parents or guardians. We used the results of our study for designing proposals for raising awareness of the safe and responsible use of ICT and internet services among students of AP LES. Our research is important because it describes the use of ICT and internet services by students of AP LES in Slovenia. Professionals and parents/guardians can use the results of our research for developing the knowledge and digital competencies of students of AP LES.

Keywords:mild intellectual disability (mild ID), adapted programme with lower educational standards (AP LES), Information-communication technology (ICT), the internet, internet services, social networks, safe use of the internet, remote schooling

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