
Primerjava Avguštinovega in Frančiškovega redovnega vodila : magistrsko delo
ID Ceglar, Katja (Author), ID Špelič OFM, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hriberšek, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na tri poglavja. Prvo poglavje umešča Avguštinovo in Frančiškovo vodilo v lasten zgodovinski kontekst, nekoliko pa tudi v širši kontekst nastajanja redovnih vodil v zahodni Evropi. Prikazuje Avguštinove izkušnje, ki so morda vplivale na njegov odnos do življenja v skupnosti, kot ga je uzakonil v svojem vodilu. Nato avtorica prikaže pestrost tekstov, ki so ohranjeni pod imenom »Avguštinovo vodilo«, se dotakne vprašanj pristnosti, avtorstva in datacije. Nakaže tudi njegovo rabo tekom stoletij, posebno v srednjem veku, ko je prvič dokumentirana njegova samostojna raba. Na tej točki se premakne k Frančiškovemu vodilu in se loti podobnih vprašanj. Prikaže Frančiškovo pot spreobrnjenja, predvsem z vidika vplivov na vrednote, ki jih je vnesel v svoje vodilo, nato obravnava samo snovanje in nastanek vodila v skladu tremi različicami, za katere vemo. Na koncu poglavja zgolj na kratko razloži težave, s katerimi so se manjši bratje, ki so živeli po tem vodilu, v poznejših obdobjih srečevali pri interpretaciji vodila in poskusi prilagoditve novim življenjskim in zgodovinskim okoliščinam. Drugo poglavje prinaša vsebinski povzetek vodil kot uvod v vsebinsko primerjavo, ki sledi v naslednjem poglavju. Tretje poglavje najprej kratko primerja samo literarno obliko posameznih vodil, nato pa se loti primerjave vsebine v petih točkah. Pod prvo točko avtorica išče glavno misel, ki preveva vodili in usmerja njuno vsebino; pod drugo točko primerja odnos do lastnine in dela, kakor se kaže v posameznem vodilu; pod tretjo točko se ukvarja z vprašanjem odnosa do pokorščine, vodstvenih funkcij in disciplinskih vprašanj; četrta točka obravnava odnos do nasprotnega spola in čistosti; peta točka raziskuje odnos do molitve in askeze.

Keywords:Avguštin, Frančišek, redovno vodilo, lastnina, pokorščina, ponižnost, čistost, edinost, skupno življenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177210371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of Augustine's and Franciscan religious rule
The master's thesis is structured into three chapters. The first chapter contextualizes Augustine's and Francis's Rules within their specific historical milieu, and to some extent, within the broader context of the creation of religious Rules in Western Europe. It sheds light on Augustine's personal experiences, which may have influenced his attitude towards community life as enacted in his religious Rule. Subsequently, the author presents the diverse body of texts preserved under the title "Augustine's Rule," touching on questions of authenticity, authorship, and dating. She also indicates its use over the centuries, especially in the Middle Ages, when its independent application was first documented. At this point, the focus shifts to Francis' Rule, addressing similar questions. It charts Francis' path of conversion, mainly from the point of the impact on the values he incorporated into his Rule. She then discusses the design and creation of the Rule itself, according to the three versions that we know of. At the end of the chapter, she but briefly explains the difficulties faced by the Friars Minor, who lived according to this Rule, in later periods when interpreting the Rule trying to adapt to new life and historical circumstances. Chapter 2 provides a substantive summary of the Rules as a prelude to the substantive comparison that ensues in the following chapter. Chapter 3 first briefly compares the literary form of the Rules, and subsequently proceeds to compare the content in five points. Under the first point, the author searches for the overarching theme that pervades each Rule and directs its content; under the second point, she compares the stance towards property and labor, as reflected in each Rule; the third point addresses questions regarding obedience, leadership and disciplinary issues; the fourth point deals with the perspective on interactions with the opposite sex and the concept of chastity; the fifth point explores the attitude towards prayer and asceticism.

Keywords:Augustine, Francis, religious Rule, property, obedience, humility, chastity, unity, community life

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