
Analiza literaturnih podatkov o absorpciji izbranih nesteroidnih protirevmatskih učinkovin iz transdermalnih farmacevtskih oblik in vivo ter in vitro
ID Štante, Amadej (Author), ID Žakelj, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Transdermalna absorpcija je definirana kot prehajanje učinkovine skozi kožo v sistemski krvni obtok. Je zelo kompleksen proces, predvsem zaradi kompleksne zgradbe same kože. Zaradi vseh prednosti, ki jih ima transdermalna absorpcija, je potrebno spodbujati napredek tega področja. Posebej nas je zanimalo, kako so pridobljeni in kako so v literaturi prikazani podatki iz meritev in vitro ter iz študij in vivo prehajanja zdravilnih učinkovin skozi kožo. Zato smo v tej magistrski nalogi pregledali literaturo o transdermalni absorpciji treh nesteroidnih protirevmatskih učinkovin ibuprofena, ketoprofena in diklofenaka. Učinkovine so bile izbrane na podlagi dolgo poznane uporabe s transkutano aplikacijo. Članke smo iskali s pomočjo podatkovna baze Pubmed. Osredotočili smo se na članke, kjer so raziskovalci delali s človeškimi prostovoljci ali so uporabili človeško kožo. Vključene so bile tudi raziskave, kjer so bili uporabljeni živalski modeli ter umetne membrane. S pregledom relevantnih člankov obeh modelov, smo organizirali podatke o absorpciji in permeabilnosti izbranih nesteroidnih protirevmatikov, pridobljenih iz različnih modelov in metod. Ugotovili smo, da prihaja do velike variabilnosti in nedoslednosti v eksperimentalnih načrtih, zlasti pri izbiri metod in materialov v študijah in vitro. To je najbolj opazno pri uporabi sintetičnih membran, ki ne dajejo relevantnih rezultaov. Tudi študije in vivo na prostovoljcih so imele nekatere omejitve, kot so pomanjkanje uporabe neinvazivnih metod ter dolgotrajni postopki. Ugotovili smo, da bi za izboljšanje relevantnosti pridobljenih podatkov z vidika in vitro – in vivo korelacije bila v prihodnosti smiselna uporaba bolj standardiziranih metod in materialov za metodi in vitro in tudi in vivo. To bi korostilo njihovi uporabnosti v postopkih registracije in kontroli kakovosti končnih farmacevtskih oblik.

Keywords:korelacija, transdermalna absorpcija, nesteroidni antirevmatiki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of literature data on the absorption of selected non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs from transdermal dosage forms in vivo and in vitro
Transdermal absorption is the process of absorption of a substance into the bloodstream through the skin. The process itself is highly complex mostly due to the complexity of the structure of the skin. Because of all the advantages that transdermal absorption has, it is necessary to encourage the progress of this field. We were especially interested in learning how the data from in vitro measurements and from in vivo studies was acquired and how it is presented in the literature. Therefore we reviewed the literature on transdermal absorption of three non-steroidal anti-rheumatic agents: ibuprofen, ketoprofen and diclofenac. These agents were chosen because of their long-known use via transcutaneous application. We searched for the articles in the Pubmed database and focused on those where researchers worked with human volunteers, or they used human skin for their work. Research where animal models and artificial membranes were used was also included. By reviewing the relevant articles of both types of models. We organized the data on absorption and permeability for these non-steroidal anti-rheumatic agents obtained from different types of models and methods. We found that there was a high variability and inconsistency in experimental design, especially in the choice of different methods or materials in in vitro studies. This is especially noticeable when using synthetic membranes, which were found not to yield relevant results. In vivo studies on volunteers also had some limitations, such as a lack of use of non-invasive methods and time-consuming procedures. We observed that to improve the relevance of the obtained data from the perspective of in vitro – in vivo correlation, future studies should aim to use more standardized methods and materials for both in vitro and in vivo experiments. This would benefit their usefulness in the registration procedures and quality control of final pharmaceutical forms

Keywords:correlation, transdermal absorption, non-steroidal antirheumatic

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