
Vpliv sentimenta in drugih značilnosti letnih poročil podjetij, ki kotirajo na Ljubljanski borzi, na različne kazalnike uspešnosti podjetij : magistrsko delo
ID Košir Oblak, Nastja (Author), ID Lončarski, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri analizi uspešnosti podjetij se investitorji običajno opirajo predvsem na kvantitativne podatke ter prebiranje letnih poročil s kvalitativnimi informacijami. Namen te naloge je preučiti, ali si pri tem lahko pomagamo tudi s strojno obdelavo besedil ter na ta način pohitrimo proces in omogočimo podrobnejšo analizo več podjetij. V iskanju odgovora analiziramo letna poročila podjetij, ki kotirajo na Ljubljanski borzi. Izračunamo številne značilnosti teh besedil, kot na primer subjektivnost, sentiment, izraženost osmih čustev, gotovost in berljivost. Lastnosti primerjamo med slovenskimi in angleškimi besedili, prav tako tudi med celotnimi poročili in njihovimi pomembnimi deli, ki govorijo o strategiji, viziji in poslanstvu. Na koncu preučimo povezavo obravnavanih karakteristik s finančnimi kazalniki uspešnosti podjetij. Ugotovimo, da so absolutne vrednosti korelacij običajno višje, če uporabimo angleška letna poročila kot slovenska in na celotnih besedilih kot le na njihovem pomembnem delu. Kazalnika z največ korelacijami sta delež dolgov v financiranju in dnevi vezave zalog. Korelacije s čisto donosnostjo kapitala in čisto donosnostjo sredstev v prihodnjem letu skorajda ne presežejo šibke povezanosti.

Keywords:obdelava naravnega jezika, analiza sentimenta, subjektivnost, čustva, gotovost, berljivost, letna poročila, finančni kazalniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152785 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174940163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of sentiment and other characteristics of annual reports of companies listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange on various indicators of company performance
Investors and financial analysts normally rely mostly on quantitative data and reading annual reports with qualitative information when analyzing the company's success. This task aims to examine the usefulness of computer text processing, accelerate the process and facilitate a more profound analysis of multiple companies. To answer this question, we analyse the annual reports of the companies listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. Several text features are computed, like subjectivity, sentiment, display of eight emotions, certainty and readability. The study compares various features of English and Slovene texts and also evaluates whole reports versus their crucial sections, which comprise strategy, vision, and mission. Finally, the connection between text attributes and financial indicators is explored. One of the findings is that the absolute values of correlations are usually higher on English than on Slovene reports, as well as on the whole reports than only on their crucial sections. Indicators with the most correlations are debt to liabilities ratio and days of supply. Correlations with return on equity and return on assets in the next year almost never exceed the weak correlation.

Keywords:natural language processing, sentiment analysis, subjectivity, emotions, certainty, readability, annual reports, financial indicators

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