
Classroom Use of Young Adult Dystopian Literature for Teaching Social Responsibility
ID Brezovnik, Hana (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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This thesis discusses the role of literature within the English language classroom and explores the reasons for its incorporation, the methods of implementation, and the selection criteria for texts. The central objective of the thesis is to apply the principles of literature teaching to a specific literary genre: dystopian literature designed for young adult audiences. The thematic resonance of these narratives with the age group they are created for makes them a potential tool for cultivating social responsibility. These works help adolescents to comprehend complex societal structures and to think about solutions to the issues embedded within them. The analysis of the dystopian young adult novel "Orleans" by Sherri L. Smith with its themes of environmental degradation, oppressive governance systems, apocalyptic pandemics, and the erosion of personal freedoms builds upon this theoretical framework. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and by incorporating their own experiences, the accompanying activity book serves as a resource for promoting an in-depth analysis of the text and for teaching social responsibility.

Keywords:literature in the (foreign) language classroom, dystopian literature, young adult literature, social responsibility
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152662 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:179850755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Razredna uporaba mladinske distopične književnosti za privzgojo družbene odgovornosti
Magistrsko delo obravnava vlogo literature pri pouku angleškega jezika ter raziskuje razloge za njeno vključevanje, načine izvedbe in kriterije za izbor besedil. Osrednji cilj naloge je omenjena načela poučevanja književnosti uporabiti za poučevanje specifične književne zvrsti: mladinske distopične literature. Ker so teme, ki jih tovrstna književnost obravnava, ciljni starostni skupini blizu, jih lahko uporabimo kot orodje za privzgojo družbene odgovornosti. Dela, ki jih uvrščamo v omenjeni žanr, mladostnikom pomagajo razumeti kompleksne družbene strukture in razmišljati o rešitvah težav, ki te družbene strukture pestijo. Na tej teoretični podlagi je zasnovana analiza mladinskega distopičnega romana "Orleans" ameriške avtorice Sherri L. Smith, ki se ukvarja s tematiko uničevanja okolja, zatiralskih sistemov vladanja, apokaliptičnih pandemij in erozije osebnih svoboščin. S posredovanjem potrebnega znanja učencem in z vključevanjem njihovih lastnih izkušenj spremljevalna knjižica z nalogami služi kot vir za spodbujanje poglobljene analize besedila in za poučevanje družbene odgovornosti.

Keywords:književnost v (tuje)jezikovnem razredu, distopična književnost, mladinska književnost, družbena odgovornost

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