
Vloga cistatina F v citotoksičnih limfocitih T, tretiranih z zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk
ID Pruš, Mima (Author), ID Kos, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Perišić Nanut, Milica (Comentor)

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Cistatin F spada v družino cistatinov tipa II, ki predstavljajo zaviralce cisteinskih peptidaz. Izraža se predvsem v imunskih celicah, kot so monociti, dendritične celice, naravne celice ubijalke in citotoksični limfociti T. Sintetizira se kot disulfidno vezan neaktivni dimer, ki se lahko izloča iz celic ali pa se prenese v endosome/lizosome. V endosomih/lizosomih se cistatin F aktivira z monomerizacijo, ki jo olajša proteolitična cepitev 15 aminokislin na njegovem N-koncu. Proteolitična cepitev spremeni inhibitorne lastnosti cistatina F, saj šele po cepitvi cistatin F postane močan zaviralec katepsina C. Neaktivni dimerni cistatin F, ki ga izločajo celice, lahko privzamejo okoliške celice in ga prenesejo v endosome/lizosome, kjer se aktivira. Povečano vsebnost cistatina F so odkrili v citotoksičnih limfocitih, kot so naravne celice ubijalke in citotoksični limfociti T, v katerih je njegovo povišano izražanje povezano z zmanjšano citotoksično funkcijo. Namen magistrske naloge je bil preučiti izražanje cistatina F v citotoksičnih limfocitih T, tretiranih z zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk. Za analizo vsebnosti cistatina F v celičnih linijah TALL-104, U937 in Jurkat smo uporabili pretočno citometrično analizo in prenos western. Celice TALL-104 smo aktivirali z uporabo proteinov CD3/CD28, konjugiranih z Dynabeads ali pa z ionomicinom v forbol 12-miristat 13-acetatu in po aktivaciji tretirali z zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk. Naše ugotovitve so pokazale, da je cistatin F dejansko prisoten v TALL-104, pri čemer se njegova ekspresija poveča ob celični aktivaciji. V aktiviranih celicah se je zmanjšalo izražanje katepsinov C in L ter izražanje in aktivnost grancimov in perforina. Tretiranje celic TALL-104 z zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk je znižalo raven cistatina F v aktiviranih celicah. Rezultati kažejo, da je cistatin F ključen regulator imunskega odziva v citotoksičnih celicah.

Keywords:cistatin F, cisteinski katepsini, imunske kontrolne točke, zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152653 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The role of cystatin F in cytotoxic T lymphocytes, treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors
Cystatin F belongs to type II cystatins, inhibitors of cysteine peptidases. It is primarily expressed in immune cells such as monocytes, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. It is synthesized as a disulfide linked dimer and in this form it is secreted or targeted to endosomes/lysosomes. In endosomes/lysosomes, cystatin F is activated by monomerization facilitated by proteolytic cleavage of the 15 amino acids at its N-terminus. Proteolytic cleavage alters the inhibitory properties of cystatin F. Only cleaved cystatin F becomes a potent cathepsin C inhibitor. Inactive dimeric cystatin F, secreted from the cells, can be taken up by surrounding cells translocated to endosomes/lysosomes and activated. Increased content of cystatin F was detected in cytotoxic lymphocytes such as natural kiler cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Its higher expression is associated with decreased cytotoxic function. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of cystatin F in cytotoxic T lymphocytes, treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. To analyse cystatin F content in TALL-104, U937, and Jurkat cell lines, we used flow cytometric analysis and western blot. TALL-104 cells were activated using CD3/CD28 protein conjugated with Dynabeads or ionomycin/phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and upon activation, treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Our findings revealed that cystatin F is indeed present in TALL-104, and its expression increases upon cellular activation. The expression of cathepsins C and L as well as the expression and the activity of granzymes and perforin decreased in activated cells. Treatment of TALL-104 cells with immune checkpoint inhibitors decreased the level of cystatin F in activated cells. Our results show that cystatin F is a crucial regulator of the immune response.

Keywords:cystatin F, cysteine cathepsins, immune checkpoints, immune ckeckpoint inhibitors

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