
Izdelava in uporaba metrik za ocenjevanje obrambe v košarkarski ligi NBA
ID Golob, Lenart (Author), ID Faganeli Pucer, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vračar, Petar (Comentor)

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V svetu košarkarske lige NBA trenutne napredne obrambne metrike ne dosegajo potrebne natančnosti, zato smo se odločili, da razvijemo svojo. Naša metrika, imenovana Rim Perimeter Defensive Factor (RPDEF), je sestavljena iz dveh ključnih delov: ocene obrambe pod košem ter ocene obrambe v prostoru. Z namenom zagotavljanja celovitejšega vpogleda v igralčeve obrambne sposobnosti smo oceno razdelili na specifična področja. V sklopu naše raziskave smo opravili primerjavo RPDEF ocene z že uveljavljenimi naprednimi metrikami in ugotovili, da RPDEF bolje oceni igralce, ki so uvrščeni v All-Defensive peterke. Za zagotovitev javne dostopnosti teh podatkov smo razvili spletno stran, ki omogoča prikaz in enostaven dostop do rezultatov. Izdelali smo tudi vizualizacije, ki omogočajo boljšo in lažjo interpretacijo RPDEF ocene, hkrati pa smo razvili lasten predikcijski model za oceno ekipne obrambe na podlagi RPDEF ocene. Cilj naloge je zagotoviti zanesljivejše ocene obrambnih sposobnosti igralcev ter omogočiti širši javnosti vpogled v to tematiko.

Keywords:RPDEF, analiza podatkov, obrambna metrika, ocena obrambe, NBA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152571 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177915395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Creation and usage of defense metrics in the basketball league NBA
Current advanced defensive metrics in the world of NBA basketball do not achieve the necessary level of accuracy, which prompted us to develop our own. Our metric, called Rim Perimeter Defensive Factor (RPDEF), consists of two key components: rim protection rating and perimeter defense rating. With the aim of providing a more comprehensive insight into players' defensive abilities, we divided the rating into specific areas. In the course of our research, we compared the RPDEF rating with established advanced metrics and found that RPDEF performs better in evaluating players selected for the All-Defensive teams. To ensure public accessibility of this data, we developed a website that displays and provides easy access to the results. We also created visualizations which enable a better and easier interpretation of the RPDEF rating, and simultaneously, we have developed our own predictive model for assessing team defense based on the RPDEF rating. The goal of the thesis is to provide more reliable assessments of players' defensive capabilities and offer broader public visibility into this field.

Keywords:RPDEF, data analysis, defensive metric, defense rating, NBA

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