
Tisk fraktalnih vzorcev na tekstil
ID Šemić, Iman (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kert, Mateja (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu je bil proučevan vpliv tehnike tiskanja na barvnometrične vrednosti in barvne obstojnosti odtisov fraktalnih risb na različne tekstilne materiale. Fraktalne risbe so bile najprej kakovostno zajete z optičnim skenerjem, temu pa je sledila obdelava skeniranih predlog. Fraktalne risbe so bile nato nanesene na tkanine iz bombaža in mešanice bombaž/elastan s tehniko digitalnega kapljičnega tiska in suhega transfernega tiska. Potiskani vzorci so bili barvnometrično analizirani z meritvami barvnih vrednosti CIELAB in rastrskih tonskih vrednosti ter testirani na različne barvne obstojnosti v skladu z veljavnimi standardi SIST EN ISO, in sicer na drgnjenje, vroče likanje, pranje in svetlobo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je bilo pri merjenju barv najmanj razlik v vrednostih CIELAB opaznih med vzorci pri črni in največ pri rdeči barvi. Digitalno potiskani vzorci so slabše barvno obstojni proti drgnjenju, likanju in na umetni svetlobi, medtem ko je bila barvna obstojnost potiskanih vzorcev pri pranju odlična ne glede na tehniko tiskanja. Glede na dobljene rezultate raziskave je mogoče zaključiti, da imata obe tehniki tiskanja pomanjkljivosti in prednosti in da je izbira tehnike tiskanja odvisna od končnega namena uporabe potiskanega tekstilnega materiala.

Keywords:transferni tisk, digitalni tisk, fraktalna risba, psihologija barv, barvne obstojnosti, merjenje barv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152423 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Printing fractal patterns on textiles
In the diploma thesis the influence of the printing technique on the colorimetric values and the color fastness of printed fractal drawings on different textile materials was investigated. Fractal drawings were first captured with an optical scanner in high quality and then the scanned originals were processed. The fractal drawings were then applied to cotton and cotton/elastane fabrics using digital printing and dry transfer printing techniques. The samples of the printed fabrics were analyzed calorimetrically by measuring the CIELAB color values and the Raster tone values. They were also tested for color fastness according to the valid standards of SIST EN ISO, i.e., rubbing, hot pressing, washing and artificial light. The results of the test showed that when the colors were measured, there were fewer differences in CIELAB values between the samples in the case of black and more pronounced in the case of red colour. Digitally printed samples have poor resistance to rubbing, ironing and artificial light, while the color fastness of printed samples to washing was superior, regardless of the printing technique used. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that both printing techniques have advantages and disadvantages for printing fractal drawings on the fabrics studied. The choice of suitable printing techniques depends mainly on the final use of the textile material.

Keywords:transfer printing, digital printing, fractal drawing, psychology of color, color fastness, color measurement

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