
Obravnavanje sestojev v gozdarskem načrtovanju na primeru gozdnogospodarske enote Vransko : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Levart, Gorazd (Author), ID Bončina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 39AEEE43A4D772BC0A7D9CCFEE00D134
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b7a5d329-a1f7-4dda-9906-735aa10b750d

Gozdarska zakonodaja predpisuje obvezno izločanje sestojev na dveh ravneh. Na višji ravni pri izdelavi gozdnogospodarskega načrta gozdnogospodarske enote izločamo sestoje, na nižji pri izdelavi gozdnogojitvenega načrta za oddelek oziroma odsek pa negovalne enote. Sestoje smo obravnavali na primeru celotne gozdnogospodarske enote Vransko, ki obsega 5484,36 ha gozdov, negovalne enote pa na naključno izbranem vzorcu s površino 615,58 ha. Na tej površini smo primerjali izločanje sestojev in negovalnih enot. Ugotovili smo, da je številoizločenih negovalnih enot skoraj dvakrat večje kot število izločenih sestojev. Na število in velikost izločenih sestojev in negovalnih enot vplivajo lastništvo, razvojna faza, lesna zaloga, gospodarski razred, tip drevesne sestave, intenzivnost gospodarjenja ter subjektivna ocena gozdarja, ki je sestoj izločil. Meje sestojev in negovalnih enot se približno skladajo le na 17 % površine gozdov. Vzrok za neskladje je v različnih metodologijah opisovanja sestojev in negovalnih enot. Neskladja pri izločanju sestojev in negovalnih enot bo potrebno odpraviti z vzpostavitvijo smiselne povezave obeh ravni gozdarskega načrtovanja.

Keywords:gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje, gojitveno načrtovanje, sestoj, gozdna inventura, Vransko
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Levart]
Number of pages:63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15240 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1512870 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

According to forestry legislation it is mandatory to exclude stands in two levels. On the higher level of forest management planning in the forest management units, the stands are excluded. On the lower level of planning in the individual sectors, the tending units are excluded. The stands were evaluated in the forest management unit Vransko, which extends over 5484.36 ha. The evaluated tending units, which comprise 615.58 ha, were randomly selected in the same forest management unit. The results obtained on both planning levels were compared on selected model areas. Based on results of ourstudy we conclude that the number of excluded tending units is almost twofold larger compared to the number of excluded stands. Factors, which affect the number and size of excluded stands, are ownership, developmental stage, growing stock, management class, management intensity type of stands and subjective assessment of the forester, who excluded the particular stand. Boundaries of the stands and tending units coincide only on 17 % of the whole studied area. The cause of observed discrepancy (probably) lies in different methodologies of stand and tending unit description methods. The discrepancy in exclusion of stands and tending units should be minimized by harmonisation of both forestry planning levels.

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