
Simulacija toka materiala v razširjenem proizvodnem sistemu
ID Pušavec, Žan (Author), ID Kušar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berlec, Tomaž (Comentor)

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Zaradi uspešnega poslovanja podjetja in doseganja visoke kakovosti svojih izdelkov, se je na domačem in svetovnem trgu zelo povečalo povpraševanje po njihovih izdelkih. Tem izzivom pa v podjetju z obstoječimi kapacitetami ni mogoče zadostiti, zato se je vodstvo podjetja odločilo za večjo investicijo v razširitev, t.j. gradnjo novega objekta in nakup novih strojev in opreme. Pri tem se pojavi problem, kako oblikovati proizvodnji proces, da bo tok materiala čim hitrejši in preglednejši ter da bodo stroški notranjega transporta minimalni. V magistrskem delu bodo pregledane razpoložljive metode za modeliranje proizvodnega procesa in simulacijo toka. Analiziran bo obstoječi tok materiala skozi proizvodnji proces, s pomočjo simulacije pa bodo preverjeni različni variantni modeli predvidenega procesa. Ciljna funkcija za določanje najprimernejšega poteka proizvodnega procesa bo temeljila na minimalizaciji stroškov notranjega transporta. Dodatna omejitev pri oblikovanju prostorske razmestitve strojev in opreme pa je v porabi čim manj proizvodnih površin, da bo investicija v nov objekt omogočila še nadaljnjo širitev kapacitet. Za izbrano družino izdelkov bo izdelana primerjava med obstoječim in novo oblikovanim potekom proizvodnega procesa.

Keywords:Proizvodni sistem Simulacija Flexsim Schmigall-ova metoda Optimalna razporeditev delavnih mest Transportne poti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Pušavec]
Number of pages:XX, 73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152380 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:182877699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Material flow simulation in an extended production system
Due to successful business performance of the company and the achievement of high quality of its products the demand for their products has greatly increased on the domestic and global market. However, challenges cannot be met in company's current capacities, so the company's management decided to invest into expansion, i.e. construction of new buildings and purchase of new machinery and equipment. Here, however, arises the problem of designing a production process so that the material flow is as fast and efficient as possible and that the internal transport costs are kept to a minimum. This master's thesis will review available methods for modelling the production process and flow simulation. It will analyse the existing material flow and various variants of models for the future. The objective function is determining the most suitable production process with minimized transport costs. An additional limitation in the design of production process will be to use production space as efficiently as possible. A comparison will be made between the existing and newly designed production process for selected products.

Keywords:Production system Simulation FlexSim Schmigalla method Optimal arrangement of work stations Transport routes

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