
Mineralne in geokemične lastnostni cestnega sedimenta iz območja Ptuja : magistrsko delo
ID Ciglar, Aljaž (Author), ID Rogan Šmuc, Nastja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z razvojem industrije, kmetijstva, rudarstva in prometa se je antropogeni vpliv na okolje povečal. Tako znotraj mest najdemo urbane sedimente, med njimi tudi cestne, ki predstavljajo pomemben vir informacij za različna potencialna onesnaženja znotraj urbanega okolja. V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočil na vsebnosti PTE v cestnih sedimentih v mestu Ptuj na severovzhodnem delu Slovenije. Izbranih je bilo devet najprimernejših lokacij. Za analize sem uporabil vzorce v zrnavosti od 250 µm do 125 µm, od 125 µm do 63 µm in < 63 µm. Tri vzorce sem izbral za podrobno mineraloško analizo glinenih mineralov. Rezultati XRD so pokazali, da je mineralna sestava vseh lokacij zelo podobna (vse lokacije imajo imajo visok delež dolomita in kremena, temu sledijo plagioklazi, muskovit in kalcit), nekoliko se razlikujejo le po deležu prisotnih mineralov. Rezultati mineraloških in geokemičnih analiz potrjujejo geološko ozadje raziskovanega območja, pridobljene podatke pa sem primerjal z vrednostmi naravnega geološkega ozadja slovenske Panonske kotline. Podatke elementne sestave vzorcev sem razdelil v štiri skupine: glavni elementi, potencialno strupeni elementi (PTE), elementi redkih zemelj (REE) in elementi skupine platin (PGE). Vsebnosti glavnih elementov, razen Ca, Na in Mg, se gibljejo znotraj pričakovanih vrednosti naravnega geološkega ozadja. Elementi s problematičnimi vsebnostmi so: Ag, Bi, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Sb in Zn. Vsi navedeni elementi se znotraj ene ali več lokacij pojavljajo z vsebnostmi, ki so nad pričakovanimi naravnimi vrednostmi. Izračunan faktor obogatitve nam kaže obogatitev cestnega sedimenta z Bi, Cr, Mo, Cu, Sb in Zn. Rezultati SEM/EDS so pokazali, da so si vzorci cestnega sedimenta (mineralna in elementna sestava) med seboj zelo podobni. Na podlagi rezultatov, ki sem jih pridobil, ugotavljam, da je mesto Ptuj antropogeno onesnaženo primarno zaradi prometne aktivnosti.

Keywords:cestni sediment, XRD, SEM/EDS, PTE, ICP-MS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Ciglar
Number of pages:XIV, 61 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152355 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:173371907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of road sediments from Ptuj city area : master's thesis
With the development of industry, agriculture, mining and transport, the anthropogenic impact on the environment has increased. Thus, urban sediments or road sediments can be found within cities. They represent an important source of information for various potential pollutions within the urban environment. In my master's thesis, I focused on the content of PTE in road sediments in the city of Ptuj in the northeastern part of Slovenia. The nine most suitable locations were selected. Samples in the grain size range from 250 μm to 125 μm, from 125 μm to 63 μm and < 63 μm were used for the analyses. I selected three samples for detailed mineralogical analysis of clay minerals. XRD results showed that the mineral composition of all locations is very similar (all locations have a high proportion of dolomite and quartz, this is followed by plagiclase, muscovite and calcite). The latter differ slightly only in the proportion of minerals present. The results of mineralogical and geochemical analyzes confirm the geological background of the researched area, and I compared the obtained data with the values of the natural geological background of the Slovenian Pannonian Basin. I divided the elemental composition data of the samples into four groups: major elements, potentially toxic elements (PTE), rare earth elements (REE) and platinum group elements (PGE). The contents of the main elements, except for Ca, Na and Mg, range within the expected values of the natural geological background. Elements with problematic contents are: Ag, Bi, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Sb and Zn. All the listed elements occur within one or more locations with contents that are much above the expected natural values. The calculated enrichment factor shows us the enrichment of road sediment with Bi, Cr, Mo, Cu, Sb and Zn. SEM/EDS results showed that road sediment samples (mineral and elemental composition) are very similar to each other. Based on the results we obtained, I conclude that the city of Ptuj is anthropogenically polluted, mostly by traffic.

Keywords:road sediment, XRD, SEM / EDS, PTE, ICP-MS

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