
Energetska kriza v Sloveniji in državah članicah EU : magistrsko delo
ID Podkoritnik, Vesna (Author), ID Setnikar-Cankar, Stanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V Evropi se je z vojno Rusije na Ukrajino situacija zelo zaostrila. Poleg političnih nemirov, bega ljudi iz države, rušenja mest, množičnega izseljevanja prebivalstva, so se posledice vojne začele čutiti tudi na področju zvišanja cen energentov. Rusija je bila v preteklosti velika izvoznica energentov zlasti v države članice EU. Po napadu na Ukrajino, pa so se države EU odločno postavile na stran Ukrajine in z Rusijo omejile vso poslovanje. Države članice EU so nemudoma potrebovale drug vir iz katerega bodo pridobivale energijo. V magistrskem je bilo raziskano, kako je vojna v Ukrajini vplivala na države članice EU, katere ukrepe so države članice EU sprejemale, kakšen je bil uvoz, izvoz, domača proizvodnja energentov v Sloveniji med leti 2019 - 2021. Ukrepe, ki so sprejemale države članice EU, se je sprejemalo na ravni EU, vendar pa so se države članice omilitve energetske krize lotevale na različne načine. Zmanjšanje porabe energije ter ozaveščanje o pravilni rabi energije je bil ukrep, ki je bil sprejet v vseh državah članicah EU. V magistrskem delu je bilo ugotovljeno, da je zaradi višanja cen plina in nafte prišlo do visokih cen energije. Največja posledica energetske krize je inflacija in hkrati pritisk na javne finance. Države članice EU se morajo v prihodnosti osredotočati na alternativne vire energije, ki ne spuščajo v ozračje toplogrednih plinov kot je to pri fosilnih gorivih. Vse več držav članic EU se odloča za gradnjo sončnih elektrarn, izkorišča vetrno energijo z gradnjo vetrnic ali pa vodno energijo z delovanjem hidroelektrarn.

Keywords:energetska kriza, vojna v Ukrajini, inflacija, višanje cen energentov, energetski ukrepi, zajezitev energetske krize, alternativni viri energije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Podkoritnik]
Number of pages:XI, 70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152287 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:173096707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Energy crisis in Slovenia and EU member states
In Europe, the situation became very difficult with Russia's war against Ukraine. In addition to the political unrest, the demolition of cities and the mass emigration of the population, the consequences of the war were felt in the area of energy prices. In the past, Russia was a major exporter of energy products, especially to EU member states. After the attack on Ukraine, EU countries firmly sided with Ukraine and restricted all business with Russia. EU member states were in need of another source to obtain energy. The master's thesis examined the impact of the war in Ukraine and how it affected EU member states, moreover the measures taken by EU member states and the import, export and domestic production of energy products in Slovenia during the years 2019 - 2021. The measures taken by EU member states, were decided at EU level, but the Member States approached the energy crisis in different ways. One of the measures taken was reducing energy consumption and raising awareness of the correct use of energy which was adopted in all EU Member States. The master's thesis noted that the rise in gas and oil prices has led to high energy prices. The biggest consequence of the energy crisis is inflation and at the same time pressure on public finances. In the future, EU Member States will have to focus on alternative energy sources that do not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as is the case with fossil fuels. A lot of EU Member States are opting fort he construction of solar power plants, the use of wind energy by building wind turbines or hydro energy by operating hydroelectric power plants.

Keywords:energy crisis, war in Ukraine, inflation, rising energy prices, energy measures, curbing the energy crisis, alternative energy sources

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