
Model pojasnjevanja učnega vedenja in uspešnosti z vidika kakovosti medosebnih odnosov : doktorska disertacija
ID Šterman Ivančič, Klaudija (Author), ID Puklek Levpušček, Melita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj doktorskega dela je bil preučiti učinke kakovosti medosebnih odnosov mladostnika na njegovo učno motivacijo, dosežke in vedenje, in sicer na prehodu v srednješolsko izobraževanje, ki za mladostnika predstavlja novo socialno okolje. Pri tem sem preučevala odnose v različnih mikrosistemih mladostnika, in sicer odnos z mamo in očetom, najboljšim prijateljem in razrednikom. Kakovost medosebnih odnosov se v raziskavi nanaša na mladostnikovo zaznavanje socialno-čustvene opore v odnosih. Poleg povezanosti kakovosti različnih odnosov mladostnika me je v študiji zanimala tudi povezanost socialnega vrednotenja izobraževanja in učne opore v različnih mikrosistemih. Poleg učinkov kakovosti medosebnih odnosov na učno uspešnost in vedenje me je zanimal tudi učinek drugih psihosocialnih dejavnikov, kot je motivacijska usmerjenost mladostnika, njegove osebnostne poteze in socialno-ekonomski status družine. V raziskavi sem preverila tudi stabilnost povezav v presledku enega leta, tj. v prvem in drugem letniku srednješolskega izobraževanja. V raziskavi sem na novo konstruirala in potrdila konstruktno in konvergentno veljavnost ter zanesljivost Vprašalnika zaznane učne opore in Vprašalnika socialnega vrednotenja izobraževanja ter Vprašalnika mreže socialnih odnosov, ki je bil v raziskavi prvič preveden in prilagojen slovenskim razmeram. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 668 dijakov in dijakinj različnih srednješolskih programov v Sloveniji in 37 razrednikov, vzorec v raziskavi pa je temeljil na vzorcu raziskave PISA 2012 za Slovenijo. Dijaki in dijakinje so s pomočjo Vprašalnika o medosebnih razlikah pri otrocih in mladostnikih, Vprašalnika mreže socialnih odnosov, Vprašalnika socialnega vrednotenja izobraževanja, Vprašalnika zaznane učne opore in Vprašalnika prilagojenih vzorcev učenja podali samooceno lastnih osebnostnih potez, kakovosti odnosov s starši, z najboljšim prijateljem in razrednikom, zaznanega socialnega vrednotenja izobraževanja in učne opore v omenjenih odnosih ter motivacijske usmerjenosti v učnih situacijah. Podatek o socialno-ekonomskem statusu družine in učnem dosežku sem vzela iz raziskave PISA. Razredniki so s pomočjo Vprašalnika šolskega socialnega vedenja dijake ocenili na lestvicah prilagojenega in neprilagojenega učnega vedenja. Povezave med kakovostjo odnosov, drugimi psihosocialnimi dejavniki, motivacijsko usmerjenostjo in učno uspešnostjo ter vedenjem sem preverila z metodo časovnega in navzkrižnega zamika (angl. cross-lagged panel analysis) in metodo hierarhičnega linearnega modeliranja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se kakovost različnih medosebnih odnosov mladostnika, njegovo zaznano vrednotenje izobraževanja in zaznana učna opora med različnimi mikrosistemi tako v prvem kot v drugem letniku značilno povezujejo. Nadalje so rezultati potrdili, da kakovost odnosa z mamo, s prijateljem in z razrednikom značilno vzdolžno napoveduje motivacijsko usmerjenost dijaka v obvladovanje učne snovi, torej notranjo motivacijo za učenje, motivacijska usmerjenost v obvladovanje učne snovi pa se je tako v prvem kot v drugem letniku potrdila kot značilni sočasni napovednik prilagojenega učnega vedenja. Naslednja pomembna ugotovitev študije je ta, da ima predvsem pri pojasnjevanju neprilagojenega učnega vedenja, v smislu sovražnega, vzkipljivega, antisocialnega, agresivnega in kljubovalnega ter motečega vedenja, pomembno vlogo kakovost dijakovega odnosa z razrednikom, pri pojasnjevanju prilagojenega učnega vedenja pa kakovost odnosa z mamo. Ob primerjavi velikosti učinkov kakovosti medosebnih odnosov in drugih psihosocialnih dejavnikov učne uspešnosti in vedenja pa ugotavljam, da imajo, v primerjavi s kakovostjo odnosov, socialno-ekonomski status dijaka, osebnostne poteze nesprejemljivost, nevroticizem in ekstravertnost ter motivacijska usmerjenost v obvladovanje učne snovi pri pojasnjevanju učne uspešnosti in vedenja precej večjo pojasnjevalno moč. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na pomembnost upoštevanja kakovosti odnosov v različnih socialnih kontekstih mladostnika pri spodbujanju učne motivacije in prilagojenega učnega vedenja, prav tako pa kažejo na pomembno vlogo socialno-čustvene opore učitelja, ki se zdi pomembna predvsem za učence, ki izkazujejo primanjkljaje na področju prilagojenega učnega vedenja. Izsledki študije so pomembni z vidika ugotavljanja pomembnosti preučevanja učinkov medosebnih odnosov na različne vidike učnega procesa ter hkratnega upoštevanja različnih socialnih kontekstov mladostnika in umeščanja učinkov medosebnih odnosov v širši kontekst učinkov drugih pomembnih psihosocialnih dejavnikov.

Keywords:medosebni odnosti, socialno-čustvena opora, motivacijska usmerjenost, učna uspešnost, učno vedenje
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Šterman Ivančič
Number of pages:182 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152272 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83378179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:An explanatory model of academic achievement and behaviour in terms of quality of interpersonal relations
The aim of the doctoral thesis was to examine the effects of the quality of interpersonal relationships of adolescents on their learning motivation, achievements and behavior during the transition to secondary education, which represents a new social environment. The relationships in the adolescent's various microsystems were studied, i.e. the relationship with mother and father, best friend and class teacher. The quality of interpersonal relationships in the research refers to the adolescent's perception of socioemotional support in relationships. In addition to the connection between the quality of different adolescent's relationships, the focus was also made on the connections between the adolescent's social evaluation of education and academic support in different microsystems. Apart from the effects of the quality of interpersonal relationships on learning performance and behavior, I was also concerned with the effects of other psychosocial factors, such as the adolescents' motivational orientation, their personality traits and their family's socioeconomic status. I checked for the stability of the connections in one-year interval, i.e. in the first and second year of secondary education. In the research, I constructed and confirmed the construct and convergent validity and reliability of the Questionnaire of Perceived Academic Support, Questionnaire of Social Evaluation of Education and the Network of Relationship Inventory, which was translated in and adapted to Slovenian language for the first time. 668 male and female students from various secondary school programs in Slovenia and 37 class teachers participated in the research and the sample in the research was based on the sample of the PISA 2012 survey. With the Inventory of Child Individual Differences, Network of Relationship Inventory, the Questionnaire of Social Evaluation of Education, the Questionnaire of Perceived Academic Support and the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales, students self-reported on their personality traits, perceived social evaluation of education, academic support and their motivational orientation. Data on the socioeconomic status of the family and learning achievement were retrieved from the PISA survey. With the School Social Behavior Scales, the class teachers assessed the students on the scales of adaptive and maladaptive learning behaviors. The Cross-sectional and longitudinal effects between the quality of relationships, other psychosocial factors, motivational orientation and learning achievement and behavior were analyzed with the method of cross-lagged panel analysis and the method of hierarchical linear modeling. The results of the research showed that the quality of different interpersonal relationships of adolescents, their perceived evaluation of education and perceived academic support among different microsystems in both the first and second year were significantly related. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the quality of the relationship with mother, friend and class teacher longitudinally predicted the mastery-goal orientation of the student, i.e. internal motivation to learn. Mastery-goal orientation was also an important predictor of adaptive learning behavior in both first and second year. Another important finding of the study is that the quality of the student's relationship with the class teacher plays an important role in explaining maladaptive learning behaviors, in terms of hostile, irritable, antisocial, aggressive, defiant and disruptive behaviors, and the quality of the relationship with mother plays an important role in explaining adaptive learning behaviors. Comparing the effect sizes of the quality of interpersonal relationships and other psychosocial factors of learning achievement and behavior, it has been found that the socioeconomic status of the student, personality traits, such as unacceptability, neuroticism and extroversion, and motivational orientation have greater explanatory power in explaining learning performance and behavior compared to the quality of relationships. The results of the research show the importance of considering the quality of relationships in different social contexts of adolescents in promoting learning motivation and adaptive learning behavior, and also show the important role of socioemotional support of teachers, which seems important especially for students with maladaptive behaviour patterns. The results of the study are important from the point of studying the effects of interpersonal relationships on different aspects of the learning process, simultaneously considering different social contexts of adolescents and placing the effects of interpersonal relationships in the broader context of other important psychosocial factors.

Keywords:interpersonal relationships, socioemotional support, motivational orientation, academic performance, learning behavior

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