
Vpliv pandemije covid-19 na duševno zdravje nosečnic : diplomsko delo
ID Založnik-Kelenberger, Ana (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Birk Tot, Karin (Comentor), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Med nosečnostjo se pojavijo velike fiziološke spremembe, ki lahko vplivajo na duševno zdravje žensk. Depresija in anksioznost sta pogosti težavi med nosečnicami, pri čemer ocenjujejo, da vsaka peta ženska v perinatalnem obdobju trpi zaradi sprememb v duševnem zdravju. Te težave imajo lahko resne posledice za nosečnico, plod in otroka. Pandemija covid-19 je še poslabšala težave, saj so se nosečnice spopadale z dodatnimi izzivi, kot so karantena in izolacija, kar je povečalo tveganje za duševne težave, kot so stres, panika, jeza, nespečnost, anksioznost in depresija. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati in opisati vpliv pandemije covid-19 na duševno zdravje nosečnic in vlogo zdravstvenih delavcev na tem področju. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s pregledom literature za raziskovanje vpliva pandemije covid-19 na duševno zdravje nosečnic in vlogo zdravstvenih delavcev na tem področju. Iskanje literature je zajemalo slovenske in angleške jezikovne vire ter se je izvajalo od aprila 2022 do avgusta 2023. V končno analizo je bilo vključenih 18 virov literature. Rezultati: Tveganje za depresijo in anksioznost se poveča zaradi pandemije covida-19, ki je pri nosečnicah povzročila poslabšanje duševnega zdravja. Nosečnice so poročale o strahu pred okužbo, osamljenosti, pomanjkanju podpore in drugih stresnih izkušnjah. Pandemija je negativno vplivala na njihovo duševno zdravje in izkušnjo nosečnosti. Zdravstveni delavci imajo ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju čustvene podpore, komunikaciji, spremljanju duševnega zdravja in drugih metodah za obvladovanje anksioznosti in depresije med nosečnostjo. Razprava in zaključek: Pandemija covid-19 je močno vplivala na duševno zdravje nosečnic, povzročila anksioznost, depresijo in stres zaradi negotovosti in izolacije. Izkušnje žensk z nosečnostjo v pandemiji so bile raznolike, pri čemer so nekatere izkusile izolacijo, osamljenost in pomanjkanje podpore, kar je negativno vplivalo na njihovo duševno zdravje. Zdravstveni delavci imajo ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju podpore in obravnavi duševnih težav med nosečnicami, zlasti v času pandemije covida-19.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, duševno zdravje, nosečnost, covid-19, anksioznost, depresija, medicinske sestre, pandemija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Založnik-Kelenberger]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:171808515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women : diploma work
Introduction: During pregnancy, significant physiological changes occur that can impact women's mental health. Depression and anxiety are common issues among pregnant women, with estimates suggesting that one in five women in the perinatal period experiences changes in their mental health. These problems can have serious consequences for the pregnant woman, the fetus, and the child. The covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues as pregnant women faced additional challenges such as quarantine and isolation, increasing the risk of mental health problems like stress, panic, anger, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to investigate and describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women and the role of healthcare professionals in this context. Methods: In this diploma work, we employed a descriptive method with a literature review to explore the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women and the role of healthcare professionals in this field. Literature search included both Slovenian and English language sources and was conducted from April 2022 to August 2023. A total of 18 literature sources were included in the final analysis. Results: The risk of depression and anxiety increased due to the covid-19 pandemic, which worsened the mental health of pregnant women. Pregnant women reported fear of infection, loneliness, lack of support, and other stressful experiences. The pandemic had a negative impact on their mental health and pregnancy experience. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in providing emotional support, communication, monitoring mental health, and other methods to manage anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Discussion and Conclusion: The covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected the mental health of pregnant women, causing anxiety, depression, and stress due to uncertainty and isolation. Women's experiences of pregnancy during the pandemic varied, with some experiencing isolation, loneliness, and lack of support, negatively affecting their mental health. Healthcare professionals have a vital role in providing support and addressing mental health issues among pregnant women, especially during the covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, mental health, pregnancy, covid-19, anxiety, depression, nurses, pandemic

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