
Robinja (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) v severovzhodni Sloveniji : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Rudolf, Sebastian (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C1C824BF6BA88F832FE6C4CD3403A117
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/50ad317b-6081-4d15-baf9-a8cfd0c7913a

Zaradi visokega deleža robinije v GGO Murska Sobota smo na Zavodu za gozdove izdelali karto razširjenosti in deleže robinije v odraslem sestoju. Iz karte je razvidno, da je največ robinije prisotne ob reki Muri in ostalih rekah, terv vinorodnih območjih, kjer so jo kmetje pospeševali za vinogradniško kolje. Južno od reke Mure (Slovenske gorice), ter severno od Murske ravnine (Goričko) pa je prisotnost robinije znatno manjša zaradi preteklega steljarjenja, ki je povzročilo zakisanje tal, ter s tem degradacijo v smer borovih sestojev. V 10 naključno izbranih vzorčnih ploskvah sem popisoval mladje in ugotovil, da se robinija zelo agresivno pomlajuje v vseh analiziranih GR, najbolj pa v GR - 110 (gozdovi doba in belega gabra). Vzrok močnega pomlajevanja robinije je verjetno padanje podtalnice zaradi izvajanja melioracij v preteklosti, predvsem pa pospeševanje robinije s strani zasebnih lastnikov gozdov, ki jo zaradi hitre rasti in mnogostranskih uporabnosti lesa pospešujejo na različne načine. Povezava padanja podtalnice in pospeševanje robinije s strani zasebnih lastnikov gozdov je povzročila, da je robinija na večih mestih v Murski nižini nadomestila izpadanje hrasta, ponekod pa tudi vrbe, topola in jesena. To predstavlja velik problem, ki se kaže v večji spremenjenosti drevesne sestave in manjšim izkoriščanjem rastiščnih potencialov, ki lahko vodijo v degradacijo sestojev.

Keywords:neofiti, robinija, razširjenost, invazivnost, zatiranje, pospeševanje, mladje, Murska Sobota
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Rudolf]
Number of pages:X, 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15216 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*176.1 "Robinia pseudoacacia L.":181.1:228(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:1364134 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Due to a high share of black locust in Murska Sobota forestry region SlovenianForest Server produced a coverage and percantage chart of the black loust in the adult tree structure. It is evident from the chart that the highest amount of black locust can be found near the Mura and other rivers andalso in the vineyard regions, where peasants needed the black locust for piles. South of the Mura river (Slovenske gorice) and north of the Mura plain (Goričko) the presence of the black locust is significantly lower due to past littering, which led to acidified soil and thereby degraded the tree structuretowards the pine spectrum. I analized 10 randomly selected sample layers and found the black locust to be rejuvenating at an extremely agressivepace in all analized forestry classes, especially in forestry class 110 (oak and hornbeam forests). One of the reasons behind the black locust's strong rejuvenation process are most likely the lowering levels of undergroundwater - due to meliorations in the past. The paramount reason, however, seem to be the extensive promotion of the black locust from the side of private forest owners, who promoted it in various ways, because of its fastgrowth and the versatile use of its timber. The combination of lowering levels of underground water and promotion of the black locust by private forest owners has helped the black locust substitute the decreasing amount of oak, willow, poplar and ash tree in several places of the Mura plain. This presents a serious problem, which is evident from the vastly altered tree structure and diminished exploatation of growth potentials, which may lead to degradation of tree structures.

Keywords:neophyte, black locust, expansion, invasive, oppression, acceleration, young threes

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