The socialist period was of great importance for women, as a new view of women's role in society allowed them to gain rights they had not had before. Socialism was the answer to a capitalist social order based on the patriarchal family, private property and the exploitation of the working class. It brought an ideology of a society that would abolish private property, class exploitation and thus gender inequality. After the Second World War, Yugoslavia, of which Slovenia was a part, followed the principles of socialism. Yugoslavia was led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, and the press, of which women's magazines are an often overlooked part, played an important role in spreading its socialist ideology. Women's magazines have been perceived as covering only trivial topics such as household, fashion and beauty, forgetting the fact that they have always reflected and defined important historical changes in the role of women in society. In my master's thesis, I used qualitative analysis to explore how the ideas of socialism about women's equality were expressed in the magazines Naša žena and Jana during the socialist Yugoslavia. The objects of the analysis were issues published between 1960 and 1990. The analysis showed that both magazines had a similar view of women's emancipation and did not simply disseminate images of the »new woman«. They were critical of the equality achieved by Yugoslav women and pointed out difficulties that women still faced in their daily lives, despite the equality they had been granted.