
Subjektivno doživljanje težav staršev otrok z oviro : magistrsko delo
ID Černigoj, Nea (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem obravnavala subjektivno doživljanje težav staršev otrok z oviro. Želela sem ugotoviti, ali rojstvo otroka z oviro spremeni življenje celotni družini. Najprej sem se dotaknila teme o družini. Nadaljevala sem s temo o otrocih z oviro, kjer sem opisala tudi usmerjanje otrok z oviro. Naslednjo temo sem posvetila staršem otrok z oviro, ki sem jo delila na partnerski odnos med starši otroka z oviro, na psihofizično stanje staršev otrok z oviro, na odnos staršev do otroka z oviro ter odnos sorojencev do otroka z oviro. Nadaljevala sem s socialno mrežo. Dotaknila sem se sodelovanja med starši in strokovnimi delavci. Nato sem opisala oblike sodelovanja staršev in strokovnih delavcev. Teoretični del naloge sem zaključila z vlogo svetovalne službe. Sledi predstavitev kvalitativne raziskave, v kateri je bilo izvedenih sedem intervjujev. S pomočjo pol strukturiranega intervjuja ter okvirnih tem sem poizvedovala o oviri otroka in kako so zanjo izvedeli. Zanimalo me je, kako se je staršem spremenilo življenje po rojstvu otroka z oviro. Poizvedela sem o socialni mreži staršev otrok z oviro. Nato sem raziskovala, kakšne izkušnje imajo starši otrok z oviro z institucijami in o njihovi zaposlitvi. Dotaknila sem se teme dodatnih storitev, kjer sem raziskovala, če se starši poslužujejo dodatnih storitev za svoje otroke. Zanimalo me je tudi zadovoljstvo staršev z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja področje otrok z oviro. Zaključila sem s spoznanjem, da se je vsem staršem spremenilo življenje po rojstvu otroka z oviro.

Keywords:družina, otroci z oviro, starši otrok z oviro, partnerski odnos, odnos staršev, odnos sorojencev, socialna mreža, sodelovanje med starši in strokovnimi delavci, življenje po rojstvu otroka z oviro
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ajdovščina
Publisher:[N. Černigoj Furlan]
Number of pages:121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152116 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:182884611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Subjective Perception of Problems by Parents of Children with Disabilities
The master's thesis discusses the subjective perception of problems by parents of children with disabilities. The aim was to determine whether the birth of a child with a disability changes the lives of all family members. We first touched on the topic of family. We continued with the topic of children with disabilities, also describing the placement of such children. The next topic was devoted to the parents of children with disabilities and was divided into the following subtopics: the relationship between the parents of the child with a disability; the psychophysical condition of the parents of the child with a disability; the parents' attitude towards the child with a disability; and the siblings' attitude towards the child with a disability. Next, we discussed the social network, touching on the cooperation between parents and the professional staff. This is followed by a description of the forms of cooperation between parents and the professional staff. The theoretical section of the thesis concludes with the role of the counselling service. After that, the qualitative research is presented, for which seven interviews were conducted. By means of a semi-structured interview and general topics, we inquired about the child's disability and how the parents had learnt of it. We were interested in how the parents' lives had changed after the birth of a child with a disability. We inquired about the social network of parents of children with disabilities. Then, we examined the experiences of parents of children with disabilities with institutions and their occupations. We touched on the topic of additional services, trying to determine whether parents make use of additional services for their children. We were also interested in the parents' satisfaction with the legislation in force governing the field of children with disabilities. We have come to the conclusion that all parents' lives changed after the birth of a child with a disability.

Keywords:family, children with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, couple relationship, parents' attitude, siblings' attitude, social network, cooperation between parents and professional staff, life after the birth of a child with a disability

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