
Dejavniki učinkovitega pouka v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom : magistrsko delo
ID Čibej, Jan (Author), ID Lipec-Stopar, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učinkovitost pouka je povezana s številnimi dejavniki, ki v različni meri vplivajo na učno uspešnost učencev. Da bi učitelji lahko načrtovali in izvajali učinkovit pouk, ki spodbuja učenje in dosežke učencev, je pomembno, da razumejo dejavnike, ki na to vplivajo. Kljub številnim raziskavam o učinkovitosti pouka pa je le malo takih, ki bi se osredotočale na osnovnošolske programe za učence s posebnimi potrebami. Osrednji cilj magistrskega dela je s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ugotoviti, kako učitelji ocenjujejo učinkovitost pouka v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Nadalje s pomočjo regresijske analize, Friedmanovega testa in dejavnikov, ki so jih po pomembnosti uredili učitelji, ugotavljamo, kateri dejavniki najbolj vplivajo na učinkovitost pouka, pri čemer je osnova za analizo zaznava in stališča učiteljev do teh dejavnikov. Dodatno s Kruskal-Walis testom primerjamo stališča sodelujočih v raziskavi do obravnavanega problema glede na njihovo osnovno izobrazbo, leta delovnih izkušenj ter oceno lastne kompetentnosti za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami. Raziskava je bila izvedena v juniju 2023, v njej pa je sodelovalo 112 učiteljev, ki poučujejo v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom na različnih osnovnih šolah v Sloveniji. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji našega vzorca v povprečju ocenjujejo pouk kot učinkovitega, vendar glede na rezultate še obstaja prostor za izboljšave. Učitelji menijo, da na učinkovitost pouka v največji meri vplivajo naslednji dejavniki: velikost oddelka, individualizacija, moteče vedenje, motivacija učencev, pouk v kombiniranih oddelkih, sposobnosti učencev, učne metode in oblike ter poznavanje specifik učencev. Učitelji pripisujejo največji vpliv dejavnikom učenca, najmanjši vpliv pa dejavnikom učitelja. Glede na osnovno izobrazbo sodelujočih v raziskavi se razlike pojavljajo pri spremenljivkah učna gradiva ter učni in didaktični pripomočki, katerim specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi pripisujejo večji vpliv na učinkovitost pouka v primerjavi s tistimi z drugačno izobrazbo. Razlike se pojavljajo tudi pri spremenljivki poznavanje specifik učencev, kateri tisti z drugačno izobrazbo pripisujejo večji vpliv na učinkovitost pouka v primerjavi s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi. Glede na število let delovnih izkušenj se razlike pojavljajo pri spremenljivki učna priprava, kateri tisti z največ leti delovnih izkušenj v primerjavi z ostalimi pripisujejo večji vpliv. Glede na oceno lastne kompetentnosti za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami pa se razlike pojavljajo pri spremenljivki motivacija, ki je glede vpliva na učinkovitost pouka pomembnejša za tiste, ki svojo kompetentnost za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami ocenjujejo najvišje.

Keywords:učinkovitost pouka, izvedba učne ure, dejavniki učinkovite izvedbe učne ure, prilagojeni program osnovne šole z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, otroci s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Čibej
Number of pages:102 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152067 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170373635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Factors for Effective Teaching in an Adapted Programme with Lower Educational Standards
Effectiveness of lessons (EOL) is related to several factors that affect the learning performance of students to varying degrees. Teachers must understand the factors that encourage students’ learning and achievement, to plan and implement effective lessons. Despite the abundance of research on the effectiveness of lessons, there is little that focuses on basic schools with an adapted programme with lower educational standards. The main goal of the master's thesis was to determine the general level of EOL in basic schools with an adapted educational programme with the help of a questionnaire. The broader goal was to find out which factors have the greatest influence on EOL, with the help of regression analysis, the Friedman test, and the order of factors by teachers in order of importance. The analysis was based on the perception and attitudes of teachers towards these factors. Additionally, I compared the attitudes of the participants in the research to the problem in question, according to their level of education, years of work experience, and assessment of their own competence for working with students with special needs, which I determined using the Kruskal-Walis test. I conducted the research in June 2023. 112 teachers from various elementary schools in Slovenia with an adapted education programme with lower educational standards participated in it. The results showed that, on average, teachers rate the EOL in basic schools with an adapted education programme as effective, but according to the results, there is still room for improvement. Teachers believe that the EOL is most influenced by the following factors: class size, individualisation, disruptive behaviour, motivation, the use of combined classes, students’ abilities, teaching methods and forms, and understanding the specifics of students. Teachers attribute the greatest influence on EOL to student factors, and the least influence on teacher factors. Depending on the level of education of the participants in the research, differences appear in the variables of teaching materials and teaching and didactic aids, to which special and rehabilitation pedagogues attribute a greater influence on the effectiveness of lessons compared to those with a different education. Differences also appear in the variable understanding of the specifics of students, to which those with a different education attribute a greater influence on the EOL compared to special and rehabilitation pedagogues. Based on the number of years of work experience, differences appear in the variable lesson preparation, to which those with the most years of work experience attribute a greater influence on the EOL compared to the others. Regarding the assessment of their own competence for working with students with special needs, differences appear in the variable motivation, which is more important in terms of its influence on the effectiveness of lessons for those who rank their competence for working with students with special needs the highest.

Keywords:effectiveness of lessons, lesson implementation, factors of effective lesson implementations, basic schools with an adapted education programme with lower educational standards, children with special needs

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