Introduction: Health care of a patient in prehospital emergency medical care includes drug treatment with drugs. Medicines in emergency medicine are mostly fast-acting and powerful, so it is important all nursing staff in emergency activities are well acquainted with used medicines. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to determine whethet nursing staff in prehospital care facilites have a sufficiently good knowledge of medications that are administered in the most frequent internal medicine conditions such as hypoglycemia, pulmonary edema and acute coronary syndrome. Methods: A descriptive method of work is used. A survey questionnaire developed for this research was used as a measurement element. 43 respondents from smaller emergency medical care units in Slovenia participated in research. Results: 41 men an 2 women participated in the study. The average age of the respondents was 34 years, and the avarage length of work in emergency medical care was 8 years. 34 emergency nursing staff attendet at least one professional training on the topic of emergencies, but only 9 of them attended training on the topic of use of correct use medicines in emergency care. Nursing staff in prehospital emergency medical care want more competencies in their work that they have now. They are very well convinced in their knowledge, but the results of research show that is a lack of knowledge about the uses of medicines. Discussion and conclusions: Nursing staff in prehospital emergency medical care, regardless of their education, face the issue of competencies on a daily basis. They expanded their knowledge in various education courses, but the knowledge about the use of medicines is significantly insufficient. The use of medications is an important milestone in more complex treatment of pacient care, more than any other procedure that they can perform on their own. It makes sense to start education in emergency medical care with programs of use of medicines and developed new quideines that would be urgently needed in prehospital emergency medical care.