
Dokumentarni film, resnica, etika
ID Felicijan, Amalia (Author), ID Moder, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se posveča kompleksnemu razmerju med resnico in dokumentarnim filmom. V njem poskušam raziskati filozofsko definicijo resnice ter njen pomen in vlogo znotraj žanra. Čeprav si dokumentarni film prizadeva za verodostojno prikazovanje realnosti in dejstev, je težko spregledati avtorjev subjektivni poseg v pripoved zgodbe in s tem podajanje objektivnih dejstev. S kratkim pregledom zgodovine dokumentarnega filma in definicije žanra raziskujem vlogo, ki jo ima dejan- skost v njem. Delo se dotakne tudi etičnih problemov, ki se pojavijo v procesu nastanka – od produkcije pa do recepcije filma – in oblikujejo narativ dokumentarnega filma. Delo zaključim s pregledom vpliva resnice na sprejem zgodbe in raziskujem vprašanje, ali dejstvo, da film temelji na dejanskosti, vpliva na to, kako ga doživlja publika.

Keywords:resnica, dokumentarni film, dejstva, subjektivnost, etika, fikcija, resnica v filmu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152060 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2023
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Title:Documentary film, truth, ethics
This thesis explores the complex relationship between truth and documentary filmmaking. In it, I attempt to explore the philosophical definition of truth and its significance within the genre. Documentary filmmaking aspires to present reality and facts authentically and credibly. However, it can- not escape the inherent subjectivity of the filmmaker, which influences the storytelling process and the conveyance of factual information. Through a short overview of the history of documentary film and the definition of the genre, I explore the relation and value the truth holds in it. This work also delves into the ethical challenges spanning from production to reception, shaping the documentary narrative. I conclude the work with an examination of how truth influences the reception of the narrative and delve into the question of whether the truth plays a role in the reception of the film.

Keywords:truth, documentary film, facts, subjectivity, ethics, fiction, truth in film

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