
Analiza izvedljivosti prenosa sistema za podporo odločanju o namakanju v prakso
ID Komprej Grosar, Kaja (Author), ID Glavan, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sistem za podporo odločanju v kmetijstvu je sistem, ki na podlagi informacij iz različnih virov pomaga kmetom pri sprejemanju pomembnih odločitev. V okviru projekta EIP PRO-PRIDELAVA je bil razvit sistem za podporo odločanju o namakanju, ki se imenuje SPON. SPON kmetom zagotavlja priporočeni čas in obrok namakanja za 5 dni vnaprej. V nalogi smo izvedli kalkulacije stroškov vzpostavitve sistema SPON na ravni ene parcele in na ravni celotnih kmetijskih gospodarstev, ki so sodelovala v projektu EIP PRO-PRIDELAVA. Izvedli smo tudi dve anketiranji, s katerima smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšne izkušnje so imela sodelujoča kmetijska gospodarstva z uporabo SPON ter kakšna je zainteresiranost kmetov za uporabo SPON na njihovih kmetijah. Ugotovili smo, da stroški vzpostavitve SPON za eno merilno napravo znašajo 2.543,40 €, večino teh stroškov pa predstavljajo storitve informacijske tehnologije. Za učinkovito uporabo SPON je nujno, da se kmetje ne zanašajo samo na izračunana priporočila sistema, ampak tudi razumejo princip strokovno pravilnega namakanja. V anketi je večina udeležencev delavnic, na katerih je bilo v okviru projekta EIP PRO-PRIDELAVA predstavljeno delovanje SPON, odgovorila, da so kljub obstoječim namakalnim sistemom na svojih kmetijah, v okviru delavnic, pridobili novo znanje glede strokovno pravilnega namakanja. V prihodnosti bo za zagotovitev podpore, izobraževanja kmetov, nadaljnjega delovanja in izboljšav SPON ključno sodelovanje med državo, strokovnjaki ter kmeti.

Keywords:sistemi za podporo odločanju, namakanje, pametno kmetijstvo, kmetijstvo 4.0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151936 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170353923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2023
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Title:The feasibility analysis of implementing the irrigation decision support system into practice
A decision support system in agriculture is a system that, based on information from various sources, assists farmers in making important decisions. Within the EIP PRO-PRODUCTION project, a decision support system for irrigation called SPON was developed. SPON provides farmers with recommended irrigation times and amounts for the next five days. In our study, we calculated the costs of implementing the SPON at the level of a single plot and the level of the entire agricultural holdings participating in the EIP PRO- PRODUCTION project. We also conducted two surveys with which we wanted to determine the experiences agricultural holdings had with the use of SPON and the interest of farmers in using SPON on their farms. We found that the costs of setting up the SPON for one measuring device amounted to 2,543.40 €, most of which were information technology services. For the effective use of SPON, it is crucial that farmers do not rely solely on the system's calculated recommendations but also understand the principles of professionally correct irrigation. In the survey, most workshop participants, during which the operation of SPON was presented as part of the EIP PRO- PRODUCTION project, responded that, despite having existing irrigation systems on their farms, they acquired new knowledge about proper irrigation techniques during the workshops. In the future, collaboration between the state, experts, and farmers will be essential to ensure support, education of farmers, continued operation, and improvements to the SPON.

Keywords:decision support systems, irrigation, smart agriculture, agriculture 4.0

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